3.0 Apollo/Lester x God(dess)Reader

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TBM (and I guess ToA in general) spoilers ahead

Before Zeus decided to punish Apollo by sending him down to Earth in an imperfect teenage body, Apollo wanted nothing more than you. This proved to be a harder challenge than the god of the sun expected. Most people would fall for his charm instantly. That didn't work on you. He didn't know if it were because you were a god(dess) or if you truly just weren't interested in him.

He offered you rides in his sun chariot. He even offered to let you pet his red sun cows! You simply turned your head away from him with a frown and walked away.

He tried poetry, which earned him a slap to the face when he accidentally made a bad rhyme with the word boar. Not only did he compare you to a pig (it was meant to be a compliment!) but he also slipped in the word who-

Yeah, if you still don't know what word I am referring to, then you're too pure for this world. If you do know what I mean, I think you understand why a slap to the face was exactly what he deserved. What compliment could have possibly come from that word?

He held his face in embarrassment. "Wait, no y/n that isn't what I meant."

"For you to be the god of poetry," you began with your nose turned up, "I figured you'd actually have a way with words."

Yeah, he needed to get his act together if he ever wanted a chance with you. Just when he had thought that he had it all figured out, his dad threw him into the trash. Quite literally. What Apollo, now Lester, didn't know was that you kept a close eye on his progress during his time as a mortal.

The reason you never gave him a chance was because he was so stuck on him self. If you thought Narcissus was bad, then you clearly never met the god of music. You'd never tell him this, but it was your idea to give him a body with blemishes. You wanted him to understand that beauty didn't come from abs and shiny muscles. It came from within and how you treat others. You wanted to see if he could actually find some humanity in himself. You were a mortal once before you were granted godship. He would have to match your level for you to ever give him a chance.

Towards the end of his journey, when he returned to Camp Half-Blood again, you decided the pay mellowed out god a visit. Apollo separated himself from his group of companions he had made along the way. He just wanted a moment of peace before the craziness picked up again.

Randomly, a (favorite flower) sprang to life in the grass a few feet away from him. It grew to the size of your figure, its (flower color) petals wrapped around something. When the petal released their grip and opened to reveal your smiling form.

"Hello, there, lover boy." You grin as his mouth fell open in awe. "How's Earth been treating you?"

He allowed an ugly laugh to erupt from his teenage body. "I knew being a mortal was rough, but I didn't know I'd almost die at least twice a week."

"The great Apollo admits he's not amazing at everything?" You hum as you sit next to him on the log.

He scoffed playfully. "I don't recall saying that." You push him as a joke, but now that he didn't have his godly strength, you actually sent him flying a few feet. "Ah, so now you're trying to kill me too."

"It's good to see you again, Apollo. Your soul seems to be humbled since the last time we talked." You commend him. 

He dusted himself off and gave you a slight nod. "Yeah... since I've been in this repulsive body, I've experienced terrible things. So much death... When you're immortal, you forget what the pain of death is like sometimes.

"Like, I've seen people die in my life time, even past lovers, but when it's my own life so close to being on the line, it just reminds me of how much there is to lose."

You placed a hand on his shoulder. After the last time you touched him, he flinched at the contact before he accepted the gesture. "You mean Jason? He was one of the favorites among the gods. Personally, I have always found Dakota the most amusing."

Apollo smiled thinking about the young, Kool Aid lip stained boy from Camp Jupiter. His smile was quickly replaced by a frown when he remembered all of the death and destruction he saw. "I just know this is all my fault. Everyone that has died is because of me and how entitled I used to be."

"You must honor the fallen by finishing the war they helped to fight. Sadly, death is a warrior's destiny. Don't forget those who played a role in your journey when you become a god again. That is if you are successful." You teased to lighten the mood.

He flashed you a small smile. "I'm a different man now. Trust me. I'm done trying to find appropriate words to rhyme with boar just to impress you."

You actually laughed at that one. "Ah, yes. Maybe think about the words that flow from your mouth before you say them. I would rather not be compared to a pig. What were you trying to accomplish with that anyway?"

Lester blushed and looked away sheepishly. "Okay, hear me out. Boars have two layers of fur. The top is harsh and the second is soft. I was trying to make an analogy about how on the outside you seem mean and disgusted by me, but I thought you secretly had a soft spot for me. As for the w-word I was using to rhyme with that, it just made it all worse."

You rolled your eyes with an amused expression. "Yes, because everyone wants to be called a who-"

"I understand now that you don't like me. I shouldn't have treated it like it was a game. You're worth more than what I have put you through." He admitted.

You place a soft kiss on his cheek before standing up to leave. "And because you now realize your mistakes, I'm willing to give you a chance. So, if you ever want to actually kiss me on the lips, you'll survive a little while longer."

Apollo held his cheek in shock. He nearly forgot to cover his eyes as you turned into your true godly form as you departed. 

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