3.0 Percy x Reader

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The only thing Percy hated more than the gods right now was snow. Scratch that. He hates the winter, period. He was sure you were thinking the same thing. 

You and Percy were currently on a quest to retrieve Demeter's cornucopia. Someone or something had recently stolen it from her. She refused to bring back the spring time until it was found. Of course, the prophecy had chosen you and Percy to be the ones to go after whatever it was that stole it. You just wished she would have at least lifted some of the snow and freezing winds.

"Whose idea was it to walk through the woods?" Percy complained.

You shot him a look as you adjusted your gloves. "It was your idea, idiot. You wanted to take a short cut!"

"Heh, right. I don't know why you listened to me." He cracked a smile, shoving his hands into his coat pocket.

You frowned. "I didn't. You ran off into the woods on your own and I followed you to make sure you didn't do anything else stupid."

You shook the snow off of your boots as you trudged through the frozen precipitation that almost came up to the middle of your shins. Percy seemed to find this amusing. "Y/n, you can't always expect my usual brand of stupidity. I like to mix it up. Keeps you on your toes."

You laughed a little, a puff of air turning cold in front of you. "Don't you dare quote Patrick Star right now. It's like five degrees outside!"

Percy shrugged. "We have a few hours of daylight left before it really gets cold. Hopefully we'll be out of this forest soon. If we're not out by sundown, you can slap me."

You said nothing, but made a mental note to remember his offer. A sudden roar interrupted your journey. You prayed that it was a bear. A normal bear that had nothing to do with Greek myths. But, the gods weren't listening to you. The ground below the two of you shook as whatever was out there got close. 

You unsheathed your (weapon) as Percy revealed Riptide. Another roar came from the left, causing you to accidentally back into Percy. Any other time, he may have made a sarcastic and/or sassy remark about it, but he was too busy being terrified.

A giant dog head appeared through the barren woods. It's beady eyes found your bodies. A second head bit at a tree, tossing it out of its way. In sync, you and Percy both backed up for the giant creature. It just had to be Orthrus and not Mrs O'leary. 

"Uh, nice doggy." Percy said nervously. "If you let us go, I'll go find a nice bone for you to have as a treat." Orthrus growled at the raven haired boy. "You want two bones?"

Suddenly, the two heads came crashing towards you. Jumping, you pushed Percy out of the way of the sharp teeth. You slashed/shot at the two headed guard dog with your (weapon), cutting the side of its face.

"Percy, you can't unfreeze the snow and attack it?!" You yelled, dodging another bite from the beast.

He ran closer to the monster's body and stabbed it in the side. "I don't know! I've never done that before. I don't think this is the best time for me to try to focus on it either!"

You ducked behind a tree. It was soon uprooted by the right head of Orthrus. "How the Hera did Heracles beat this stupid thing?"

Percy ran by screaming in panic. "Just hit it until it doesn't move anymore!"

Yeah, sometimes you wondered why you had a crush on Percy in the first place. This guy was one of the most feared demigods to ever live. 

You ran up to the chest of the monster while it was focused on the son of Poseidon and stabbed it where you thought the heart would be with the knife you kept on you. Sadly, this angered Orthrus and made him swipe at your body. When his large paw collided with you, it sent you tumbling down a hill. 

"Y/n!" Percy worried, running after you as the monster crumbled from your attack.

He found you trapped under a pile of snow. He wasted no time digging you out of the mound. By the time he reached you, you were shivering. Percy helped you up and wrapped his arms around you.

"You okay?" He inquired. 

You pressed your body closer to his. "Despite my new found hatred for snow? I'm spectacular."

"At least things can't get any worse." He commented. You really wished he wouldn't have said that. Bad things always get worse whenever someone says that.

As you predicted, life got harder from that point. A terrible snow storm hit the area. If this is how Demeter reacted when Hades took Persephone, you'd hate to have lived in a time period without indoor heating. Percy managed to find a cave for you to spend the night in.

As soon as you were safe, you slapped Percy across the face. His hand flew to the side of his face just as quick as the look of shock formed. "What was that for?"

"You said if we weren't out of the woods by sundown, I could slap you. Now, cuddle with me before I freeze to death." You demand.

Percy visibly blushed. Unbeknownst to you, he had a crush on you as well. He began taking off his coat. You looked at him weirdly. "Calm down. I'm not getting naked, I'm just stripping down to my t-shirt for the body heat." He put his coat on the ground and sat on it.

You nodded and followed suit. You cuddled up next to him once he laid down, placing your coat on top of the both of you. He grinned as he placed his chin on top of your forehead. "You know, if anyone saw us right now, they'd think we were a couple."

"Is that your way of asking me out, Perseus?" You joked.

"That depends what your answer is gonna be." He quickly responded.

"And if I say yes?"

"Then I'm asking."

You tighten your hold on him. "Well, then consider yourself a lucky man, Jackson."

Percy Jackson and Magnus Chase Characters x Reader (Requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now