2.0 Jason x Reader

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TBM spoilers so if you haven't read that don't read this lol




Your hands shook and your body trembled as you looked at the calendar. Today would have marked your two year anniversary with Jason if he hadn't been murdered in the burning maze. The memory still hurt, despite it being months since the incident. You wanted the burning feeling inside to go away. You wanted to be fully happy again. You wanted Jason to be next to you.

Wiping the tears from your eyes, you forced yourself to gain a little composure to answer the person who was knocking on your door. It was Hazel.

Sniffling, you forced a smile onto your face. "Hey, Hazel. Did I miss a meeting or something?"

She frowned at your depressed figure. Shaking her head slightly, her curls and kinky coils bounced around her face. "No, I just wanted to deliver this to your personally and to check up on you. How are you holding up?"

Your eyes traveled to the floor, not even thinking about the fact that she said she had something to give you. "I feel like I'm drowning in my own tears and agony. You know, today would have marked two years for us."

Hazel placed a hand on your arm and rubbed it slightly. "I know. What you guys had was beautiful. Jason loved you so much." She smiled sweetly at you before handing you a small envelope. "Here, hopefully this will make you feel better. Let me know if you need anything."

Closing the door, you gripped the paper she had just given you. Jason's delicate signature was in the top let corner. Your name was scribbled in the middle of the packaging. It took you an hour to finally muster up the courage to read the note.

Dear sir, I hope this letter finds you in good health and in a prosperous enough position to put wealth (LOL no jk. A lil Hamilton joke to brighten the mood of this story cause its about to get sad).

To, y/n, my first and only love,

If you are receiving this letter, I can only assume that means I was the one who died in the maze that day instead of Piper. I'm sorry to have left you, but I refused to sit and watch another friend die. I hope you can forgive me for leaving you so soon.

You laughed bittersweetly as tears streamed down your face. Even when facing death, Jason was the biggest dork and sweetheart you've ever met. He was a true hero of Olympus.

If things went according to plan, today is our anniversary. Happy two years, babe. You made every day a new adventure. Every moment was worth more than a million diamonds. You are the most precious gem to ever grace this Earth (did you see the little pun there? My creative writing classes are paying off).

My last wish in this world is that you find someone who makes you happy. Move on, but never forget me. You deserve so much. You are so amazing. Anyone would be more than lucky to have the chance to call you their boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other.

Class is about to start soon, so unfortunately this letter is going to get cut short. I love you more than anything in this life. I will choose your happiness over mine every time. Live enough for the both of us.


Your Superman who can never find his glasses

P.s. Maybe brick will be our always ;)

You smiled at the work of art Jason had written you. Who knows how long ago he wrote this letter for you. How long had he known about the maze? If only he knew how much you really loved him. Words could never describe your emotions.

Percy Jackson and Magnus Chase Characters x Reader (Requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now