1.0 Apollo/Lester x Reader

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To Die For
by Sam Smith

Apollo just needed somebody. He wanted somebody. He wanted consistency with a significant other that would stay around. He had more than his fair share of short lived romances and one night stands with random mortals during his time as a god. None of that seemed to satisfy his needs for a companion.

Then he became Lester. His entire world was flipped upside down and taken away from him.

Sitting around Camp Half-blood allowed him to get a real taste of what modern day mortals live through everyday. Everyone had somebody, whether it was a friend or a special friend. Sure, Apollo had Meg, but even she wondered off in awe with her newly found friends. Being rejected by the gods and by the very people who used to worship you exposes your real emotions. He could brush off his anger with one of the other deities by casting a strong heat wave over the Earth. He could satisfy his loneliness by chasing after the first attractive person he laid his eyes on. Things were different now.

Especially since he had met you.

Lester wanted nothing more than to get to know you, but his new appearance interfered with that. If his godly status didn't woo you, his pimply face and love handles surely wouldn't either.

He watched as Nico and Will walked hand in hand around camp. They were the only ones who knew how Apollo really felt. They knew about his feelings for you. Apollo tried to force a smile before his son and Nico could notice his saddened expression. However, Nico knew when people were holding in their true emotions, especially those of sorrow and regrets. They hobbled down the hill, taking a seat on the ground on either side of Apollo.

"What's up, dad? You've been sitting here alone for an hour." Will asked, nudging his father slightly.

Lester shook his head, attempting to signify that he was fine. Nico rolled his eyes. "You haven't gloated about yourself in days. Is this about y/n again? Because you might as well ask him/her/them out."

Lester laughed bitterly. "Looking like this? Yeah definitely not. Plus, I'm the biggest outcast here! She/he/they wouldn't want to be seen with me."

Will laid a hand on his shoulder in a comforting manner. "You're not an outcast. You just think you are because you're used to people groveling at your feet. People are treating you like a normal person because that's kinda what you are right now."

Apollo sighed dramatically and fell backwards into the grass. "You think he'd/they'd/she'd like to hear one of my haikus?"

The two boys coughed awkwardly, not wanting to upset their friend/dad anymore than he already was. Nico fixed his cringe face and responded. "Look, she/he/they like you. Everyone knows it. And it's not because you're a god. You've matured a lot and that has caught his/her/their attention. No haikus, no iambic pentameter, just talk."

Apollo sat up suddenly, frightening poor Will. "I've got the perfect idea. Just wait until the campfire tonight."

Apollo stood and ran off to his cabin excitedly. Nico and Will stood back up, dusting themselves off. The son of Hades made sure to call out one last time: "Remember, no haikus!"


Lester volunteered to play the guitar for the campers. He made eye contact with you a few times throughout the time of fellowship. You smiled warmly at him each time, happy that the night's darkness hid the fact that heat had rushed to your face.

After a few songs went by, Lester stood. "Okay, guys, I know it's totally an Apollo thing to take over and bask in the limelight, but I promise what I'm doing now is out of love."

A few of the campers groaned in annoyance at the fallen god. Lester shot them a look and readied his fingers for the cords he was preparing to play. He began to sing (To Die For by Sam Smith), slowly making his way to you. As the song came to an end, he ceased the instrumentals of the guitar and held a hand out to you.

"I just want somebody to die for." He pulled you up so you were standing in front of him. "So, what do you say? Will you be my boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other?"

"Only if you promise to give that song to Sam Smith. They would sound amazing singing it." You smiled again.

Apollo smirked. "Of course. The world deserves to hear a song written for the only perfect person on the planet." He lifted your hands to his lips and kissed your knuckles.

You laughed and shook your head. "I feel like I'm going to be hearing cheesy pick-up lines from you for the remainder of this relationship.

Apollo grinned, whipping the guitar back around and playing a few chords. "Oh, definitely."

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