1.2 Alex x Gender fluid!Reader x Nico

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I found this a year ago and never shared this so here ya go.

I found this a year ago and never shared this so here ya go

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A Hamilton based chapter was requested so I chose Take a Break! Enjoy :)TheLittleBookworm1 

Since Annabeth introduced you to Magnus and his (undead) friends, you all hung out a lot more. It was nice to have a larger friend group. You always feared adding new people to your circle because they might not truly accept you for who you are. That wasn't a problem with your new Norse Friend Bundle©.

Don't think Nico let you hang out with them without being present himself. He had to keep his eyes on your new (second) best friend. Alex may try to play oblivious, but Nico saw right through his/her bluff. He could tell that Alex liked you, like like-like you. But di Angelo loved you first, so it's time for him/her to step away.

On the other hand, Alex could clearly see that Nico was jealous of his/her presence. If we're being honest he/she loved to bask in Nico's obvious jealousy. A little friendly competition never hurt anyone. 

Today, you were scrambling to finish all of your homework for the week early so that you could worry about studying for your final exams next week and not drowning in the extra work all of your teachers decided to dump on you last minute. Of course this is the day that both Nico and Alex were vying for your attention.

You nearly jumped out of your clothes when an Iris message suddenly appeared next to you. Your fist balled up so tightly that your pencil snapped in half. "Well, I guess my teacher won't be getting this pencil back..."

"Y/n!" Nico's voice traveled through the godly video chat.

You took a deep breath to calm your heart that was beating at the speed on light. "Neeks, are you trying to make me die prematurely?"

He gave you a bored look. "Hey, I spent money on this call. You can die later. Right now, I think you should come get McDonald's with me. I learned this new way to-"

"Nico I would love to help you raise the dead, but I'm already dying because I'm being suffocated by homework. Can it wait until Friday?" You sigh as you look for another pencil.

Nico half grunted, half groaned. "The one time I'm not depressed, you're busy?"

"Being depressed is a side effect of being a demigod. We have limited room for happiness when there's monsters hiding under your bed." You explain as you turn back to your social studies course paper.

Nico snorted a bit, but keep his signature unamused face on. "I thought we got rid of Pabla the Empusa?"

"We did. Now there's a troll under my bed. Apparently, being friends with dead Norse kids that constantly visit your house makes Norse creatures show up too."

"Who you calling a creature? Be happy I'm not charging you rent!" A grumpy voice grumbled from the corner of your room beneath your bed.

You throw a textbook in the direction of his voice. "Shut up, Erik. You don't own my room."

Nico blinked confusedly. He thought you were joking. "Anyway, you should take a break. Come chill with me in New York!"

You sighed for the twentieth time today. "I wish I could Nico. I'll call you back if I finish early."

You wiped the rainbow away and continued your work.


Two hours later, a knock on your window echoed through your room. Opening your curtains, you were met with a green and pink parrot. "Yes, Alex?"

"Y/n! There's an emergency!" Alex squawked at you.

You lifted your window in a hurry to let him/her in. "What is it?"

Alex turned back to normal and flopped onto your bed. "She/her today. Oh, the emergency is that I'm bored and for some reason you didn't come visit me today."

You roll your eyes and turn back to your desk. "A.) I don't have clearance to visit you, B.) I'm doing homework so I don't have time, C.) get your dirty shoes off of my bed."

"And take your stinking' feather back too!" Erik's voice yelled, followed by a handful of pink and green feathers being thrown into the air.

Alex rolled off of your bed and fiddled with one of the feathers. "I was wondering where Halfborn left you, Erik. Go home."

You grab Alex by the arm and usher her back to your window. "I will let you know when I'm free. I have to submit this paper in an hour and I still have two pages to write."

"If I write it for you, will you hang out with us?"

You stop in your tracks. "Us?"

Suddenly, Nico's voice emerged. "Yeah, us." He looked at Alex distastefully from the terrace of your apartment. "I shadow travelled her to bring you some lunch, but I see Alex beat me to you."

You facepalm. "Now you know it's hard for me to say no to one of you, not both of you are here at the same time?! Something tells me this homework isn't getting done today."

Nico hands you your (favorite meal) as he walks into your room. "I'm here to help you. Give me an assignment and I'll find the answers on Chegg." Alex nodded in agreement.

You shrug and handed them various assignments. "You guys are either super bored or secretly in love with me to volunteer to do homework all day." You joke.

Both Alex and Nico blushed. You were picking through your backpack so you didn't notice. They nervously glanced at each other before letting out forced laughs.

"Maybe it's both." Alex said to play it off.

You scoff playfully. "Yeah, what are the chances of that happening?"

Percy Jackson and Magnus Chase Characters x Reader (Requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now