1.0 Travis x Reader

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Your first day at Camp Half-Blood started off great. You were given a tour of the camp by a daughter of Demeter, Katie Gardner. Then you were claimed right before dinner time started. A (godly symbol) glowed above your head, attracting the attention of all the nearby campers. Unfortunately for you, this let a certain set of brothers know that you were fresh meat to prank.

The day after you learned your way around and were claimed, Travis Stoll practically skipped up to you. In his fist rested a crumbled up Camp Half-Blood shirt. He wrapped an eager arm around your shoulder. "You're new around here. Y/n, right?"

With a smile, you nodded. "Yep!"

"How are you adjusting to things?" He said with a lopsided grin. 

You shrugged, picking up a (weapon) from the storage of items you were asked to clean. Apparently, once you arrived to camp, there were jobs, classes, and trainings you had to do almost daily. "Well, let's see. It's my second day here and Clarisse is already making me polish all of the weaponry."

You had no idea why she chose you of all people. Percy Jackson, whom you had met briefly this morning, said that Clarisse likes to pick on some of the campers. You didn't know if he were joking or not when he told you about the time she tried to stick his head in a toilet as initiation. This, of course, made you grateful that she chose to force you into doing labor instead of the inside of the toilet seat.

"Sounds like you need a friend, and I'm just the guy you're looking for." He pointed a thumb to himself. "Here, take this camp shirt as a token of our friendship. I was supposed to give it to my brother since he seared his on the climbing wall yesterday."

You sent him a look of disbelief. How do you possible burn a shirt on a wall? You had a lot to learn about this strange place. Nevertheless, you took the shirt from his grip and thanked the older Stoll brother. You stuffed part of the shirt into your back pocket and returned to polishing the (weapon) you were secretly planning on taking.

"I don't believe I caught your name." You continue the conversation.

He grinned again. "Travis. Travis Stoll." He turned and sauntered out of the shed. "See you around!"

You really wished someone had warned you about the Stoll brothers before you met one of them. 

You thought nothing of the "welcome gift" he had given you. After showering, you slipped on the orange shirt. Coincidentally, it had been the perfect size for you. Looking up to the mirror in front of you, the smile on your face immediately dropped. You had green dust all over your hair. You tried to apply some water on it to rinse some of it out, but it only made it worse.

A few moments later, a large itch erupted across your abdomen and chest. You screeched and ripped the shirt off of your body. You looked back in the mirror as you scratched to see your entire upper body stained green. 

"Travis!" You yelled. Your sibling(s) giggled once they heard this. They knew you had officially been welcomed to camp by being pranked by one of the Hermes kids.

Putting on a different shirt, you dragged your feet as you furiously made your way to the Hermes cabin. The other campers along the way either snickered or gave you sympathetic glances. Pounding on the door until someone answered, you withdrew your hand when the suspect of your prank opened the door. 

One look at you and he busted out into laughter. "Wow, I am good. How's that itch doing?"

You balled your fists up. "You're going to regret this one day, Stoll. I'm going to get you back."

He smirked smugly. "A little hard to be intimidated by you when you remind me of TinkerBell." He suppressed a laugh. "I suppose you look more like a dryad or the Green Giant, but I think the name TinkerBell suits you."

Your mind raced as you searched for the perfect comeback. Unfortunately, most of the things that came to mind weren't exactly PG insults. You glared at him and turned around on your heels. 

"Aren't you forgetting something, TinkerBell?" He called out after you.

You whirled around to see your (f/c) wristband dangling in his grasp. Stomping up to him, you snatched it and returned to storming off. "Don't worry, y/n. The next thing I'm gonna steal from you is your heart!"

You scoffed, but didn't bother turning around. This guy had just met you and he already has embarrassed you and he thinks he has a chance with you. As if you would ever date someone like him.

You totally loved dating Travis. Despite the constant prank wars, he has proven to be the perfect boyfriend for the past two years. You were practically inseparable. You trained together, sat next to each other at campfires, and even ran away from angry campers who had just been pranked by your boyfriend together. The only time you were really apart, in the least clingy way possible, was during your classes and meals. 

One night, as it neared the time you both would leave camp to go off to college, you sat snuggled up to the Stoll brother as the rest of the campers sang along to one of the songs an Apollo kid was playing. He pulled you into his side tightly as a brisk wind swept through the crowd. 

"So, have you decided on a a major yet?" You asked him.

He laughed softly. "Considering my gift of clauditiskinesis, I've been leaning towards mechanical engineering."

You sighed and rested your head on his shoulder. "That's perfect for you. You can build locks for the rest of your life and then break into them again."

He scoffed playfully. "I'll be doing more than designing locks, thank you very much. How about you? What did you decide on?"

"(Major of choice). (Dream/Current university) is one of the best colleges in the nation for it. The only downside is you won't be there with me." You smile sadly.

He shifted and lifted your chin so you could face him. "I'll Iris message you all the time. I've been saving my drachma for the past year. Trust me, you won't get too many chances to miss me." He reached his hand into his pocket. "Besides, I have this so you'll remember how much I annoy you."

He revealed a promise ring with your favorite gem stone on it. Your eyes widened in excitement. "Where did you steal this from?"

He laughed that beautiful laugh you had fallen in love with. "Didn't steal it, TinkerBell. I had one of the Hephaestus kids to make it for me. I had to Swear on the River Styx to never prank them again to get this for you."

You rolled your eyes in amusement. "I'm sure you cried for an entire day, Travie." He slipped the ring onto your finger. "I love it."

He kissed your forehead. "I love you. I told you I would steal your heart one day. I don't intend on ever giving it back."

You kissed him on the lips. "Who would've guessed I would fall for the biggest idiot at camp?"

"Didn't know you had feelings for Percy."

"I heard that Stoll!" The son of Poseidon snapped back from a few seats down.

You share another laugh with your boyfriend and rested a hand on his chest. You were afraid of the new life ahead of you, but if you could survive monsters and dating Travis Stoll, you were sure you could survive the mortal world.

Tried to make Travis sound like himself as much as possible. It's been a while since I've read the PJO series again so hopefully I got his character right :)

Also thanks for all of the support! ily all <3

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