2.0 Apollo/Lester x Female!Reader

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I got two requests for Apollo and they both fit together so well I combined them. :) Also I'm not caught up on the TOA series (Haven't read TTT) so no spoilers please if I mention something that isn't cannon on accident.

You hurled into the toilet for what felt like the millionth time today. Apollo wrapped his arm around your shoulders protectively. You had been sick all day and had to call off of work the moment you woke up to start your day.

Your boyfriend racked his mind trying to diagnose your condition. Thanks to his restored godly mind, he remembers a lot more than he had when you first got together three years ago. "Okay, let's see. Puking, fever, low appetite, dehydration, you've been going number three all day today..."

You glared at him, wasting no time to elbow him. "I have not. Stop calling it that!"

He laughed at you as he helped you back to your feet. "There are worse names I could use, but that one is the one that bothers you? Real mature." You flopped on the bed and held your stomach. Apollo continued. "You might have food poisoning, love."

"Then why aren't you sick? We ate the same exact pizza last night!" You groan as another cramp racked your body. "I feel terrible."

Apollo ran a small towel under the faucet until it was soaked. He squeezed out most of the cool water. "I'm a god again, sweetheart. I don't have to worry about getting sick. Plus, I'm the god of healing. It would be too ironic if I got sick."

He placed the towel on your forehead after he placed a kiss on it. You frowned at his response. "If you're the god of healing, why haven't you healed me yet? Do you not love me enough in my state of need?!" You waved your arms around.

"I'm doing all that I can. You haven't exactly given me time to grab some medicine for you. I've been cleaning up your puke for the past three hours." He teased. "You want some soup?"

You turn on your side and watch as your boyfriend leans against the doorframe, awaiting your answer. Despite his constant joking, his eyes gave away how worried he actually was. Usually, he was the one to act like a baby in the relationship, but today you figured you deserved to be babied a little.

Apollo sighed and left your shared bedroom to get you some food. For the first time in forever, food was the last thing on your mind. You doubted you could stomach anything. You just hurled the last day's worth of cuisine. 

He returned with two large cups of water from the kitchen and sat beside you. "Drink up. You need to stay hydrated. If things get any worse, I might have to take you to Camp Half-Blood and hook you up to an IV."

You sipped from the first cup for a second before placing it on the small table text to your bed. You wrapped your arms around his waist. "Lester, don't leave me."

He rolled his eyes at his previous name that you insisted on calling him to annoy him. "I'm going to have to leave soon. Your soup is in the microwave."

You groaned and cuddled into his side tighter. "I don't want it. You could have at least put it on the stove. Or even better you could've ordered Panera."

He made himself comfortable next to you. Apollo pulled you onto his chest. "I thought you didn't want anything to eat?" You shrugged. "Are you at least feeling any better?"

You hummed. "I am now. You're warm."

Apollo hugged you and allowed you to fall asleep in his arms. The microwave beeped, but he was too afraid to feel your wrath to leave until he knew you were asleep.


When your symptoms continued into the next week, Apollo tried to convince you to go to a hospital or back to camp. You refused. You figured if you were well enough to return to work, you could survive without going to see a doctor. Besides, you think you had an idea of what was really wrong with you.

You kissed your boyfriend on the cheek. He was preparing to visit his children, but didn't want to leave you behind. "Seriously, babe, you can come with me. I won't even force you to go to the infirmary."

Shaking your head, you handed him his jacket. "I want to catch up on (favorite show) and make dinner for tonight. I'll be fine. I promise, Lester."

He sighed once more, not even bothering to react to the name. "I'll be home in a few hours. Be safe. Let me know if anything goes wrong."

"Yeah, I'll just call you. Oh, wait. I'm a demigod and don't own a phone." You remind him as you push him out the door. "Have fun, love you."

You close the door dramatically and heave out a heavy sigh. Sprinting to the bathroom, you unwrap the small device you purchased the day before. After a few minutes, it beeped with your answer.

You were pregnant.

Tears fell down your face. You were going to be a mom. Apollo was going to be a dad...again. You just hoped he would treat things with you differently than he had with his lovers in the past. He said he loved you, so there was no reason to worry, right?

When your boyfriend returned home, you were just finishing up your favorite dinner. He kissed you and went to the room to change clothes. Once he found something comfortable to wear, he embraced you in a hug from behind. 

"Feeling any better?" He asked in a hushed tone.

You blushed at the sudden contact. "Y-yeah, you can say that. Set the table. I'm finishing the (favorite food) now." 

He wasted no time preparing the table for dinner. Even though he was a god and could eat the best of the best of foods, he still got excited whenever it was time to eat. You placed the food in between the two of you. Dinner was spent with small banter back and forth. Your mind was clouded with thoughts about telling Apollo about your pregnancy test. Would he be happy or upset? Would this make him leave you? What color should you paint the baby's room?

Finally, you just decided to say something about it. At the same time, you both said, "I have something important to tell you."

You froze. Your mind automatically thought the worst. "You go first."

Apollo grabbed your hand and looked into your eyes. Emotions swirled in his own pair of orbs. "Y/n, when I fell out of the sky for the second time in my godly lifetime, I thought I would hate the entire experience. And, for the most part I did." He laughs at himself and all of the memories. "But in that time, I met you and you've made me the happiest god in all of Olympus.

"You've shown me that I don't need extreme luxuries to enjoy living. It's not about the material things, it's about love and those close to you. I love you, y/n. I want to be with you forever and start a family. Will you marry me?"

He got down on one knee and revealed the ring he, Will, and Austin went shopping for a few hours prior. For the second time that day, tears cascaded down your face. "Yes, of course!"

You practically tackled him. He slipped the ring on your finger. Once both of you stood up, you reached into your back pocket. "Funny, you should talk about starting a family. Heh, let's just say it wasn't food poisoning that made me so nauseous." You nervously waved the pregnancy test around.

Apollo's mouth fell open as he realized what you were saying. The look of shock was quickly replaced with a boyish grin. "We're having a baby?"

You nodded. He swooped you into his muscular frame and twirled the both of you around. He kissed your lips twice. That's when a thought struck his mind.

"This is the happiest day of my life. I have to write a poem about this."

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