Magnus x Reader

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All of Me

by John Legend

You run your fingers through Magnus' hair. He rested his head in your lap as you scanned the landscape surrounding you. Since Magnus is a big nature nerd, you often found yourself going on dates with him in the forest, on the beach, and pretty much anywhere else that you could find an opening to from Valhalla. The perks of being dead is no one really cares when you go missing.

You began to braid his hair, despite the fact that you knew he would hate it, and asked him a question that has been on your mind for a while. "Hey, Maggie?"

Magnus started to say some stupid, but at the same time, clever comment about the nickname you insist on calling him and just accepted it. "What's up, y/n?"

You finished the braid and began to put another one on the opposite side of his head. "Why haven't I met your family yet?"

"Probably because we're both dead." He said sarcastically. "Plus, it's not like I have anyone besides Annabeth to introduce you to."

You lean your forehead down against him, knowing it would make him blush. "Okay, but I really want to meet her. She's like an all-time great from what you told me. She's a straight G.O.A.T." You jokingly say and throw your arms around to emphasize your point.

Magnus turned to sit up on his knees and face you. "Sweetheart, you've got to stop letting Alex corrupt your mind and teach you these high school jock terms."

You rolled your eyes and flopped down on your back. "First of all, everyone, but you, says G.O.A.T. Greatest of all time. It's clever and it's catchy. Secondly, don't try to change the subject. I still want to meet Annabeth and maybe Percy too!"

Magnus shuddered. "The last time I hung out with the both of them I broke like every bone in my body."

"Well, it's a good thing that you're a fast healer because I'm not talking anymore until you let me meet them." You cross your arms and look away.

Magnus sent you an annoyed look that you didn't see because you weren't facing him. "Y/n, come on. Y/n," he shook you by the shoulders, "it's not that big of a deal." When you still didn't respond, he finally gave in. "Okay, fine! You can meet them!"

You yelped happily and tackled him onto the ground. "Thanks, Maggie. You're the best!"

Magnus sat up once you released him from your death grip. He went to rub his head, but stopped when he felt the braids. "I thought we agreed that you would take the braids down right after you put them in."

He grabbed your hand as the two of you walked away. You shrugged. "I think the world deserves to see the beauty of Magnus Chase with two French braids."


A week later, you woke Magnus up by knocking on his door rapidly. He groaned and rolled out of bed to open the door for you. He lazily hugs you and presses his face into your neck. You laugh and pat his back.

Mumbling against your neck, Magnus says, "Five more minutes?"

You lift his head and kiss his cheek. "Nope, now let's get you into the shower and changed so we can head out."

Percy Jackson and Magnus Chase Characters x Reader (Requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now