2.2 Nico x Reader

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Bc you guys asked me to continue the Nico x Pregnant reader and I love you all enough to not leave you on a cliffhanger

You blinked your eyes at the olive skinned young man in front of you. Your eyes traveled to your son, who was busying himself by playing with the toy he received in his Happy Meal. Nico placed a hand over yours. Your heartbeat quickened in your chest.

"Nico I... I want to say yes. I really do." You sighed, wiping at the tear that had fallen. "But how will I know you won't leave me again for someone else. I don't want Orpheus to have a dad in his life just for him to leave again."

Nico's eyes softened as he listened to your words. He hated that he even left you in the first place. After all of these years, he still loved you. "Y/n, I would never leave him like that. If I would've known the first time I still would have been in his life." He gripped onto your hand. "I was a fool to walk away from what we had once. I would never do it again. The gods are giving me a second chance to fix things. The question is, will you give me another chance?"

Your glance rested on your interlocked hands. "I-I can't just hop back into a relationship with you, Nico." You removed your hand from his, even though it hurt you to do so. "If we're going to try to make things right, we have to start over."

Nico di Angelo nodded his head. It wasn't the answer he was hoping for, but it was the right thing to do. He was happy you were even speaking to him. "That's more of a chance than I deserve. Friends?"

You smiled at him. "Friends."

The End :) 

There's an important author's note below

Nah I'm just kidding <3

Nico basically lived with you and Orpheus now. It's been three months since you just so happened to run into the son of Hades at McDonalds. He has proven to be a great father to Orpheus so far. Nico helps take him to preschool. He helps to cook meals around the house. Heck, he takes Orpheus to the park or for ice cream on days you just need a break from it all.

You didn't realize how hard and tiring the single parent life truly was until you had someone around to help. You learned to adjust to being it only being you and your son. With Nico around, everything changed. It felt like the life you always wanted.

While being a parent, you also managed 

work and college classes. You never gave up on your dream of majoring in (major of choice), even if some days it felt impossible. Nico made that dream easier by stepping up in Orpheus' life.

Not once had he bothered you with the question of getting back together. It would be a lie to say you didn't think about the possibility everyday. Part of you wanted to get back with Nico. It didn't help that he got along so well with your little boy. Seeing them together made you want to get with the Italian boy even more. No, not boy. Nico was a young man now, and he was proving that to you with his newfound maturity.

You had to get your mind off of the topic. So, instead, you continued planning Orpheus' fifth birthday party that was coming up in a week. You sent out invitations to your closest friends and their kids. Percy and Annabeth's son Charlie was your son's best friend. His other friend from your demigod side of the family was Esperanza, Leo and Calypso's daughter. 

None of them knew Nico was the father of your child. You never told them and they never pressed for an answer. Next week, everyone would find out the truth about you and Nico.

You sighed heavily. Just like that, your mind had traveled back to the past relationship. You scribbled down the names of some of your coworkers you were close to that had kids around Orpheus' age.

Your planning was interrupted again when your apartment door opened. Nico smiled softly at you, raising a finger to his lips. Your line of sight traveled to your son who was fast asleep. He must have fallen asleep while Nico was giving him a piggy back ride. You carefully took him into your arms. Nico followed close behind you as you made your way to your son's bed. You tucked him into bed as Nico watched contently from the doorway.

You made your way back to your living room. "So, how was your boys night out?"

Nico laughed. "I think he's in an ice cream coma. I've never seen a kid eat an ice cream cone that fast. You sure we aren't raising the Flash?" He joked.

"Did Nico di Angelo just tell a joke?" You teased. "I guess miracles really do happen."

He rolled his eyes and went to grab a cup of water. He came back with two cups and sat down next to you. You thanked him and took a sip from your drink. "I think we need to talk, Nico."

He didn't realize you had turned serious. He picked up the birthday list you had on the coffee table. "I agree. We're going to need more than five kids to have a birthday party."

You placed a hand on his knee and looked him in the eye. His smile fell. "Neeks, I'm being serious."

He nodded and waited for you to continue. "When you asked me if I would take you back, I honestly wanted to say yes. I just... I was afraid that history between us would repeat again." You paused to wipe at the tears that began to fall.

"Y/n, I told you it was okay. If you don't want to get back together, I understand." He comforted you.

"No, you don't get it. I'm not saying I can't get back with you. I'm saying I want to be with you. I'm tired of denying my feelings for you. If it's a risk, then I'm willing to take it. Orpheus loves you  and you mean so much to him. And I love you too, Neeks."

He cups your face, wiping your tears gently. "You raised a wonderful little boy. I love him with all of my heart, but you need to know that I love you too. More than anything. These last three months have shown me that all those years we were apart would have been some of the best years of my life if you would have still been in them.

"It would mean so much if you would take me back, y/n."

You wrapped your arms around him tightly. You didn't hesitate to press your lips against his. He pulled you into him tightly, not wanting to ever let you go again.

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