1.0 Loki x Reader

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I have't finished the MCGA stuff yet so please don't spoil anything for me lol. With that being said, if I get the ending wrong, this is why!

After you died, you began to see a lot of the god of mischief. You weren't sure why he had interest in you. You just knew he popped up everywhere. Almost nightly, you fell asleep and were met by the god in your dreams. You got to the point that you were saying hi to him before you were even fully asleep. 

Truthfully, Loki was trying to woo you. He figured if he could make you fall for him, that would make you vulnerable to him and his wishes. His efforts weren't in vain. Something about his mischievous smile made your heart skip a beat. 

Magnus told you not to trust him. You knew he was no good, but you couldn't help your emotions. He was the reason Ragnarok  almost happened and wiped out everything. You died just in time to be apart of that whole ordeal.

Loki saw the potential in you. It's why he planned your death. You held a lot of power with your peers in your mortal life. He knew you'd have the same effect in Valhalla. With your help, he could recruit einherjar to his side as a back up plan if things didn't workout.  And things didn't.

Before your head could hit your pillow, the sly god was wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you close. "I was wondering how long it would take for you to actually go to sleep."

"Maybe I choose to go to sleep later so I don't have to keep seeing you every night." You cross your arms and move away from his embrace.

"Don't be like that, doll." His smirk deepened into his scarred face. "You know the best part of the day is sleeping." He leaned into your personal space. "And seeing me of course."

You hated that he wasn't wrong. You enjoyed your time with him, but he was sly like a snake. There was no way you could allow your feelings to cloud your better judgment. "I can smell your ego from here, Loki."

He rolled his eyes. "That's my new cologne. I used the blood of all the giants that failed me. Do you like it?"

You uncrossed your arms and huffed. "This is all a big game for you, isn't it? We're just pawns on your checkerboard."

He tsked and shook his head, hands crossed behind his back. "Everyone else maybe, but you, my dear, mean so much more to me. You may not be able to see it, but you're worth more than you could ever know."

"Loki, why do you always say that to me?" You poked him in the chest. "What's really up with you?"

Loki would never admit it, but he has developed feelings for you. All these months of tormenting you and playing with your heart has caused his heart to start beating for you. That's the real reason why he comes to see you every night.

He chuckled. "What's wrong with a compliment every now and then? Everyone can use the confidence boost."

"Something tells me you don't need anything to help your confidence. I think you've maxed that out." You shove your hands in your hoodie pocket.

He cupped the side of your face in his hand. "I'm a god. We have all the confidence in the nine worlds. Eventually, that could be you."

You reluctantly swat his hand away from your face. He was doing it again. He was insinuating that he was up to something and wanted you to join him. You refused to let him get to you. If Loki had something planned, it couldn't be anything good. 

He changed the scene and hid himself from your view. You thought you were waking up from your sleep. You sighed. You kept a diary of what happened with Loki each night in your dreams. The grogginess of your mind didn't allow you to question why all of your previous entries were gone.

You scribbled down your thoughts and tucked yourself back into your covers. Loki grabbed the small book and opened it to read what you said about him. It was two pages about how you felt dumb for falling for him. You saw through his facade and knew he wanted you for something bigger.

The way you described him, it made him sound like a big jerk. That's when he realized that's exactly what he was. He was so busy worrying about plotting revenge on the rest of his immortal counterparts. It was his fault he was in the predicament he was in. Why did it take him so long to come to his senses?

Sighing, he sat at the edge of your bed. He shook you lightly until you "woke" up. You rubbed your eyes and looked at him strangely. "Loki? I thought..."

He shushed you. "Y/n, I'm sorry. You were right to think I wanted you around for my next big plan. You don't have to worry about that anymore. It's over. I failed with Ragnarok and it's time for me to move on. I promise I'll never do anything to hurt you."

"How can I know this isn't another trick, Loki? You are a trickster."

"I swear on my troth that I'm done trying to take over the world. I just want a fresh start with you." He placed a hand on your knee. 

You smiled and placed your hand on top of his. He returned your grin, stretching his scarred face that you had begun to fall for. 

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