Meeting His Godly Parent

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Sorry that not every character is included in this. I wanted to drop something in honor of the Tv show coming out in a month, so I did the PJO/HoO (male) characters! Enjoy!


Your boyfriend loved the beach. You had gone on many dates to stare at the waves, swim with the marine life, and build sand castles. You were expecting today to be like one of those days. Of course, the one time you let your guard down is when his dad decides to show up.

The waves circled dramatically until a human-like figure was formed. The next thing you knew, a button down shirt with prints of palm trees emerged with a pair of sandals to match.

"Percy, my boy! Long time no sea." Poseidon joked terribly. "Get it? Sea as in the water?"

You snickered under your breath as Percy facepalmed. "I sea where you get your puns from, Percy."

"I promise he usually doesn't make jokes like this." Your boyfriend pinched the bridge of his nose. 

Poseidon nodded. "He's not lying. Normally Hades has all of the deadly puns."Poseidon let out an ugly laugh and clapped his son on the back. "I'm just jaking-"

"I think you mean joshing, dad." Percy corrected before changing the subject. "This is my significant other, y/n."

You waved shyly, still trying to cover your laugh. The god of the water nodded at you with a proud dad smile. "Yes, I'm a god and I'm your dad. I know everything you do."

The color flushed from the young water bender's face. You matched his look of panic. "What exactly do you mean by everything?"


Now, you had already met Hades when he interrupted your first date with Nico (see chapter Nico x Reader). You still cannot erase the image of your godly parent using Snapchat-like filters on the godly versions of social media.

As far as you knew, Hades liked you, especially since you had helped him win a bet against Aphrodite by kissing his son the day he guessed you would. Heck, he even invited you and Nico to a family dinner, which is where you were going now.

"I assure you, I do not have dinner with my dad and Persephone often." Nico rolled his eyes as he grabbed for your hand. "I'm scared to even see what he has planned. Just don't eat any pomegranates."

You smile at the thin teenaged boy beside you. "Noted. I'm sure it won't be as bad as you're expecting it to be. Just stay whelmed. It might be fun."

You weren't sure if fun was the best word to use to describe the chaos that took place once you reached the underworld. 

Hades had a large array of various Mcdonalds meals spread across a gigantic black wood table. A red and gray velvet table covering was topped with platters and tableware that you were sure were made from pure silver.

"Children! Welcome to our dinner." Persephone greeted you both with a wide smile. "I am not sure why my husband was so set on eating fast food when we have skeleton chefs that could have prepared much better."

Hades laughed from behind her. "Nico loves McDonalds, so I figured this would make him happy!"

Nico grumbled under his breath. "Use a Happy Meal to raise the dead once and everyone thinks you're obsessed with the Golden Arches."

You squeeze his hand to reassure him. The feeling of comfort did not last long. Two seconds later, Cerberus came rushing into the room, knocking over the entire table as the three headed monster struggled to stop in time. The three heads wasted no time munching on the discarded chicken nuggets that went flying only moments before.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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