1.0 Alex x Gender Fluid!Reader x Nico

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First of all, I love this idea because in my mind Fierrochase and Solangelo are bffs. No one can change my mind. Also I love this fanart of Alex

This one was requested from Quotev! I wasn't expecting to actually get views on there so I'm excited to fulfill requests from here and there!

You kicked a rock down the hill. Your eyes carefully watched as it tumbled out of your line of sight. You repeated this action three or four times before Nico finally had something to say about it.

"I'm not going to keep conjuring rocks just for you to keep knocking them back to where I got them from." The son of Hades rolled his eyes. Despite what he said, another pile of rocks appeared next to you.

You sent him a small smile. "Sorry, Neeks. My mind is preoccupied right now. Annabeth is insisting on me meeting her cousin and some of his friends for some reason."

He tossed a rock at you to catch your attention. "That's what's bothering you? You're a social person compared to me. If you feel like the odd one out just look over at my discomfort and you'll be fine."

"I'm always nervous to meet new people! What if they don't accept me..." You trail off.

His expression softens. He understands exactly how you feel. He was shunned and disrespected for a lot of people when he came out about liking boys. "Hey, if anyone says anything bad about you being gender fluid, I'll send them straight to Thanatos myself. Your best friend has your back."

"Thanks, di Angelo. I can always count on you."

You plopped down next to your stone pile and rolled one in between your fingers. Nico admired you from his position a few feet away. For years, you both have been best friends, but lately he felt emotions stronger than that. Ever since he and Will broke up months ago, all he could think about was you. It was you who was there to comfort him after the break up. It was you who forced him to take care of himself and his mental health. You've always been there, so it's no surprise that he began to fall for you.

"Yeah, well one of us has to be the good best friend and it's not you." He joked and rolled his eyes.

You threw a rock at him. "You and I both know that I'm the bestest best friend you'll ever have in your life, Ghost Breath."


You fumbled with the long sleeves of your shirt as you waited for Annabeth's arrival. You tried to find anything to distract your mind from how nervous you felt. A few feet away from you, Percy nibbled on a blue chocolate chip cookie. Crumbs dotted his shirt with every bite, so you tried to focus on counting them, until you realized it looked like you were staring at the son of Poseidon.

You cursed under your breath, a sense of warmth flooding your neck and face. Looking away, you casted your eyes down to look at your shoes. This didn't help much, but it was better than Annabeth catching you staring at her boyfriend and getting suspicious.

A pair of hands grabbed either of your shoulders out of nowhere. You screeched and ran a good ten feet away before turning to see what happened. Nico, who had just shadow travelled into the shadow of the tree you were standing by, was hunched over in a fit of laughter. It's been a while since you've seen him laugh like that.

"What the Phaethon, Nico! You scared the schist outta me!" You wave your hands and scream playfully. "That was a one way ticket for a visit to your dad's house!"

Percy giggled on the sidelines at your punny like comment and ended up choking on a piece of his cookie. You slapped his back harshly as an attempt to help. He coughed once and heaved in a breath. "Gee, thanks for rearranging my spine, y/n."

"Eh, you deserved it." Your eyes skimmed the horizon. Blonde hair bounced from the top of the hill towards you.

After Percabeth was reunited, she led you to a small park about three blocks away. Nico wrapped his arm around your shoulders in comfort during the walk. A few minutes later, a small group of people arrived. A blond haired boy jogged up to Annabeth and hugged her tightly.

"Everyone, minus Percy who has already met him, this is my cousin Magnus. He's a Norse half-blood."

Nico squinted at Magnus and his group of friends as they neared closer. After a few moments of scanning them, his eyes widened. "You're dead. They're all dead!"

You placed a hand on his chest. "Nico, we went over this. Just because we're dead inside doesn't mean the rest of the world feels the same way."

A laugh erupted from behind Magnus. Pink and green swirled into your vision as this new person spoke. "He's not wrong. We all have actually died. Not just emotionally. We're physically dead. Names Alex, I'm gender fluid, so feel obligated to ask what my pronouns before addressing me. Today, you may use she/her pronouns."

A darker skinned member of the friends, who was dressed in navy clothing, elbowed Alex in the side. "Hey, they aren't used to your sarcasm and snarky remarks. Be nice." A moment of silence passed. "Anyway, I'm Tj. Uh, he/him."

You couldn't help but smile at their friendship. Your nerves flew away with the polluted New York air when Alex immediately came out as gender fluid. Maybe they would accept you after all. 

Once you were acquainted with Halfborn and Mallory as well, it was time to introduce yourself. You shyly opened your mouth, but no words came out. Why the heck did you feel so shy all of a sudden?!

Nico didn't miss a beat. "Nico di Angelo, son of Hades. I go by he/him pronouns." He softly pushed you forward. "This is y/n."

You thought about face palming at the whole interaction. "I'm y/n l/n, child of (g/p). I'm gender fluid and my pronouns today are she/her."

Alex smirked at you as  you properly introduced yourself. "I might be biased, but I like you already, y/n. Let's be friends." Alex hooked your arms together and led you to the picnic tables. 

No one else noticed, but Nico's hands and jaw clenched tightly as Alex whisked you away. He was happy you had someone to relate to, but why did this envious feeling creep into the pit of his chest and leave a dry lump in his throat? 

Alright this will be in more than one part because I can never follow through with my original chapter planning and always add too much.

Question: What are three positive adjectives you'd use to describe yourself? (Deathstalker374 )
A:This is so hard to do bc I hate myself lol.  I guess I'd say smart, goofy,  nurturing (I may or may not have asked my boyfriend to answer this for me lol)


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