2.0 Nico x Female!Reader

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AbbylouAmanda Thank you for requesting this! I'm in love with this idea!

You locked yourself in the bathroom of (G/p)'s cabin. Your sibling(s) knocked on the door, trying to get you to come out, but you refused to leave, not until you had the answers you were looking for. You clutched the small device in your hand, not knowing what to expect.

Until it finally beeped.

You were pregnant.

A thousand and one emotions ran through your body and took over your nervous system. You were scared mostly because you were only sixteen and Nico was seventeen. Once that thought ran through your mind, another one followed close behind, and it terrified you: Nico hates kids.

You felt your heart sink down to the floor. How would you tell him about this without him getting angry and leaving you? A knock on the wooden door awakened you from your thoughts. Your sibling was trying to get in so they could shower. Sighing to yourself, you wrapped the pregnancy test tightly with paper towels and shoved it into your pocket.

You had to tell him. Just not today. No, you'd wait until tomorrow when you go on your next date to say something. You just have to make it through the next twenty-four hours. You could do this.

When you finally exited the bathroom, it felt like all eyes were on you as you walked around camp. You had hidden the test away in your stuff where no one would find it. It was as if the entire world already knew the secret you wanted to hide more than anything else. 

You spotted your boyfriend a few feet away from you. You raised your hand in greeting, but he didn't seem to see you standing there. He ran up to Will Solace, son of Apollo. You had noticed Nico began to spend more time with healer, but you didn't think anything of it. They were best friends after all.

You counted down the hours, the minutes, the seconds until you had to talk to him. Dread scampered through your veins each time the thought passed through your mind. Sleep proved to be difficult. There was only one way to erase the uneasy feeling.

When the time finally came, you kept fidgeting with the small device in your jacket pocket as you awaited your boyfriend's arrival. Nico arrived with a nervous smile on his face as if he knew something were wrong in that moment. 

You both spoke at the same time. "I need to tell you something."

You sighed and told him to go first. Without reluctance, he did so. "I think we need to break up." The words shattered your heart. Things managed to get worse. "It's not anything you did. It's just... I don't have feelings for you anymore. I like Will. I've been trying to deny it, but I like guys. I don't want to keep my sexuality a secret anymore."

You racked your mind for the correct words to say. Tears pooled at your eyelids, threatening to fall. The only way out was to lie. "I kinda always knew, Neeks. I wanted to tell you that I knew. I'm glad you were the one to say it first."

"You're not mad at me?" He asked.

"No, of course not." You reassure him. "But, I also wanted to tell you that I'm leaving camp. I have to go be with my (mortal parent/guardian)."

He nodded. "When will you be back?"

You simply responded. "I don't know." Then, you grabbed your stuff and left Camp Half-blood without a second glance.


Five years later, your young son begged you to take him to get some McDonald's. You tried to offer him anything else to eat, but Orpheus, much like his father, was stubborn. His mind was set on chicken nuggets. You smiled at your son as you buckled him into his car seat. What could go wrong?

Percy Jackson and Magnus Chase Characters x Reader (Requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now