2.0 Reyna x Reader

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As a demigod, you have experienced more than your fair share of weird moments. It comes with the job. You figured nothing could ever surprise you again. Boy, were you wrong. 

Venus was bored one day. Jupiter, who normally was a great source of entertainment, wasn't fighting with Juno for once. Mars was too focused on the future "Second Civil War of America" as he called it. Venus didn't know what that meant, but it had nothing to do with love so she didn't care. So, she decided to start her own mischief.

As per usual, you were sparring with your girlfriend, Reyna. She was searching for a new tactic for the upcoming War Games and asked you to help. After two hours of planning, she asked if you wanted to train to clear your mind. 

Suddenly, the ground around you began to shake. Hannibal the elephant was running away from something... or rather someone. Frank sprinted behind the large animal holding a bucket and a rag. He was screaming something about bath day. Hannibal's trunk swayed in random directions as he attempted to escape bath time.

You stepped in front of Reyna to protect her from the three hundred pound nose flying towards her backside. Of course, you were no match for the pachyderm. Once it collided with your body, both you and Reyna were sent flying. 

The next thing you knew, you were waking up to an anxious Frank in the infirmary. Holding your head, you said, "I feel like I got hit by a bus."

"Close, you were hit by an elephant, Reyna." Frank explained.

You nodded. That made sense. "Happens to everyone at some point in life, I'm sure." That's when you realized he had just called you Reyna.

"Right, um so I'm so sorry for what happened. He usually doesn't stampede like that during bath time." He handed you a glass of water. "I'm going to go check on y/n. Rest up. I'll handle praetor duty for the day."

Before you could say anything, he scurried away. Was he so nervous that he confused your names twice? Rubbing your head, you got up and walked to the nearest bathroom to see if you had any facial bruises. The moment you looked into the mirror, you saw your girlfriend's face. Horrified, you pat down your body as your eyes examined your new frame. You had to be dreaming.

A few moments later, you watched yourself run into the bathroom. Reyna must have been in your body. She stared in shock. To lighten the mood, you jokingly said, "I see why you like me so much. I'm very attractive in your eyes."

"Y/n, this is not funny! Holy Neptune, what happened? How do we change back?" Reyna questioned frantically.

You placed your hands on her...your shoulders. "Hey, calm down. I'm supposed to be the frantic one. You're the level headed one. I'm sure in a few hours this will all be over." You smirk mischievously. "Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to abuse my power as praetor."

Reyna grabbed your wrist as you turned to leave. "I don't think so. We need to figure out how to switch back."

"I've always wondered what it would be like to kiss myself." You comment, just to frustrate her more. Surprisingly, she didn't stop you from kissing her. "Turns out I'm a great kisser."

Reyna rolled her (e/c) eyes. "This has to be Venus' doing. I'm going to try to summon her and talk. Please, try not to be suspicious. Act like me." 

"So be mean to every guy that tries to talk to me. Got it." You turn to leave.


"I'm joking! I love you!"


Now that you were away from your girlfriend, you allowed yourself to panic. You didn't want to add any stress onto her shoulders, so you played it off. There was no way in Tartarus that you were prepared to co-lead Camp Jupiter. You just had to lay low until Reyna found a solution.

Walking by a group of male campers, you greeted them as you walked by. You noticed that one of them blushed darkly. His friends teased him. 

"Dude, Reyna is too hot for you. You don't stand a chance."

"I can't wait for her to break up with y/n so I can shoot my shot."

Is this what Reyna went through everyday? Dozens of people wanting her, but never actually trying to get with her? Well, no one except you had the guts. The worst part was you couldn't even say anything back. If these boys did this to Reyna everyday, you'd have to maintain her calmness and pretend like it didn't make you jealous. Rolling your eyes, you trudged ahead.

Reyna was going through something similar in your shoes. The Venus boys were like a predator to its prey. You told her before how you caught of few of their eyes, but she didn't know they were this persistent. They saw it as a game. The winner is the one who could catch your eye. Your girlfriend was ready to tell them where her foot could go if they thought they could take her boy/girlfriend/significant other away! 

But, then she remembered she was in your body. She just had to ignore it and assign them extra tasks later when she was back in her own body. 

To make things worse, Venus wasn't responding to anything the young praetor tried. Reyna knew it was a long shot, but if Venus were the one to do this in the first place, she should at least let Reyna leave the Roman demigod version a voice message or an angry text!

"You know," A voice spoke from behind her, "the easiest way to get to my mom is through one of her kids." 

Reyna scoffed mentally as she spotted the same brown haired boy from an hour prior. "I think I can manage on my own."

"C'mon, y/n, I only ask for one thing in return for my help." He grabbed Reyna's/your hand. "One kiss. If you come begging for more I will happily provide them."

Reyna snatched her hand away and stomped off. The nerve of some people! She marched all the way from Temple Hill to the Sunflower Field, where she knew you would be.

"Y/n!" She called out your name. A few campers looked at her weirdly, wondering why you would say your own name randomly.

You turned around in surprise, the long braid your girlfriend typically wore whipped you in your face. "Reyna? I mean y/n...my love. I've been looking for you."

You knew that look, even if it were on your face. Reyna was beyond angry about something. "What's wrong?" Instead of responding to you, she engulfed you into a tight hug. You held her protectively.

"I love you. I know I don't say it often, but I do." She whispered into the crook of your neck.

"I love you too. Are you okay?" You inquire, still concerned about her well being.

Before she could respond, someone in the distance yelled, "Look out!"

Of course, it was Hannibal again. What he was running from? You had no idea. What you did know was that you were about to be knocked out by his ginormous trunk again. Yep, within seconds, everything went black again.


It all felt like deja vu. Waking up with a headache and seeing Frank Zhang by your side. He fidgeted with his fingers, ready to explain what happened. You held a hand up. "Is it considered lucky to be taken out twice by an elephant before five o'clock?"

He looked at you weirdly. "What are you talking about? It's ten a.m. and Hannibal only hit you once."

You laughed in disbelief. "Yeah? And my name is y/n."

"Umm, yeah. It is." He confirmed, backing away from you a bit. "Reyna is waiting for you outside. She sent me to let you know when you woke up."

You looked down at your hands and body. Was it all a dream? Ignoring your headache, you sprinted to the nearest exit and tackled your girlfriend to the ground. "I just had the craziest dream!"

"That we switched bodies? Yeah I need to talk to you about those Venus kids." Reyna said.

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