3.0 Magnus x Reader

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It was a typically day in Valhalla: death, food, death, and more food. After dinner, you Mallory, Alex, and Sam decided to act like you all were living normal lives and play truth or dare. Considering everyone present knew about your crush on Magnus, you knew the game would consist of dares to make you kiss Magnus or confess your feelings to him. Both of which, you were not willing to do.

Alex, who at the time was going by she/her pronouns (if I worded that wrong please correct me!), rubbed her hands together in anticipation. "This should be interesting. Okay, I'll go first. Mallory, truth or dare?"

Mallory shrugged. "Dare."

Alex smirked. "Hmm, let's see. I dare you to tell Halfborn you love him and then slap him without any context."

Mallory rolled her eyes and stood. "As if I need anymore conflict with him. He's gonna be so mad, which is exactly why I'm going to do it."

The group peeked their heads out of the room to watch the scene unfold. You were honestly a little nervous for Mallory. The last time they got into it they argued until 4 am. No one managed to be able to sleep through their screaming, except Alex who you were convinced had some type of magical powers to block out noise. Mallory tapped the large boy on the shoulder.

Halfborn turned around with a loud grunt, clearly not happy about his conversation being interrupted. "What?"

"I love you, you big hot head." She said dramatically. She then slapped him across his face and ran away from the scene.

Magnus and T.J. sat there shocked, their mouths wide open. Halfborn growled and stood to chase after his ex-girlfriend. You locked eyes with Magnus, blushing immediately. You begged him to try to hold off Halfborn until Mallory made it back to the room. He huffed and grabbed one arm, signaling for Tj to grab the other. Their efforts did little to stop him, since he was easily dragging the extra two people across the floor. 

Mallory made it back safely and locked the door. "See what you guys did? Now the Hulk is going to being raging all night."

You waved her off. "We didn't tell you to slap him that hard. At the end of the day, that's now your problem to deal with."

Sam laughed. "I heard your last argument lasted until the sun came up."

Alex folded her arms. "The next time you guys go at it like that, make sure you take out your anger on the battlefield."

"Yeah, yeah." Mallory sat back down in the circle. "Y/n, you're next. Truth or dare?"

You, without showing any expression on your face, said, "Truth."

Alex threw her hands in the air. "No, you always do this. I'm changing the game to Dare or Dare."

You sighed and dramatically fell backwards. You already knew what was coming. The only thing that convinced you to actually participate in the game is the fact that loser always has to do some impossible task. You sure as Helheim weren't about to get stuck letting Tj pick out your outfits for a week again. 

"Fine!" You exclaim. "Give me a dare."

Mallory tapped her chin, thinking of a dare that would be embarrassing for you. "I dare you to flirt with Magnus every time you talk to him for the rest of the week." She paused and thought some more. "And you have to slip in some double entendres to spice things up a bit."

You flailed your arms and sat back up. "What?! It's hard enough to try to be all flirty, now you want me to think hard enough to 'secretly' say dirty things. I'd rather just say obvious things, like Alex always does!"

Percy Jackson and Magnus Chase Characters x Reader (Requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now