Percy x Sick!Reader

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To say the least, you were miserable. You hated being sick because people either did the most to care for you or completely disregard you. Percy, being your boyfriend did the former. He refused to leave your side and sat awaiting your orders to help you out in anyway that he could.

You're about to sneeze? Percy already had a box of tissue shoved into your face.

You need to cough? Percy is already finding a cup of your favorite (tea/coffee/warm drink) to soothe your throat.

It was all actually pretty adorable. The son of Poseidon showed his love for you even when you were looking like you were seconds away from death. Even though you wanted him by your side, you were afraid of getting him sick.

"Y/n, I'm the son of water. I can't be dehydrated, so I can't get sick." He proudly told you as he handed you your (drink). 

You cracked a smile, coughing a little bit. "I hope you know that's not how illnesses work. I mean that helps, but that doesn't mean that you can't get sick."

As if he didn't hear a word you had just said, Percy hopped in the bed next to you. "You say that and yet you're the one sick instead of me. Now, cuddle time." He held his arms out to you.

"Perseus Jackson, I am not going to be responsible for getting you sick! I do not want to be on your mom's bad side. Especially now that I know what happened to your first stepdad." You shiver, partly due to fear, but mainly due to the sick chill that just ran down your back.

Percy groaned and laid his head on your lap. "Babe, seriously. Will said you need at least five dosages of cuddling in order to start feeling better. Now get over here."

You laugh at your boyfriend and give in to his demands. "You wanna swear that on the River Styx?"

Percy made puppy dog eyes at you and poked his lip out. "No..."

You rested your head on his chest. His body heat comforted your body, despite your fever. He eagerly wrapped his arm around you. Placing a kiss on your forehead, he says, "Get some rest. When you wake up, we'll eat some (favorite food). Sounds like a plan?"

You suppressed another sneeze and bury your head into his chest. "You know, if Chiron catches you in the (Godly Parent [besides Poseidon obviously]) cabin, he's gonna throw you into the Labyrinth again. Remember what happened last time?"

Percy rubbed your temples and shushed you. "Don't worry about that. I'll just evaporate or something next time. I have a good reason to be in here. Besides, for you, I'd walk to the ends of the world."

You yawned and pulled the cover up to cover more of your body. "I hope you're ready to have a cold, because that's the only thing you have to look forward to right now."

Percy jokingly covered your mouth to make you stop talking. Eventually, you settled down and fell asleep in his arms. Despite his efforts to stay awake, he fell asleep next to you.

Chiron came galloping through the cleared field, looking for Percy. He knew there was only one place he could be hiding. The centaur bellowed the young hero's name as he neared the (godly parent) cabin. Percy jolted awake at the sound of his name. He rolled out of the bed and hid underneath it. To his surprise, you didn't wake up.

"Jackson! Where are you?" Chiron exclaimed as he bursted through the doors.

This action managed to wake Sleeping Beauty (a.k.a you) up from your deep slumber. You flew forward from your sleeping position and frantically searched the room. You caught Chiron's glance.

"Have you seen your boyfriend recently?" He said suspiciously.

You, unaware of how much time had passed since you started your nap, said, "I saw him earlier today. I don't know what time he left, but he's gone now."

Chiron nodded and turned in a wide circle to leave the cabin. He apologized for waking you and exited. You sighed and rested your head back onto your pillow. You closed your eyes.

"You're a good liar." A voice said next to you.

You screamed and fell out of the bed, throwing a pillow in the direction of the voice. Your screaming led you into a coughing fit as Percy left his hiding spot giggling. "If we were allowed to have phones, I would've posted that on Tiktok. Your face was priceless!"

Percy's enjoyment was cut short by him sneezing. You crossed your arms and cracked a smile. "Looks like you're getting sick after all, Water Boy."

Percy Jackson and Magnus Chase Characters x Reader (Requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now