Jason Grace x Reader

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This song is in Spanish. Sorry if you don't speak Spanish. This song just fit better than the rest of the songs in my playlist.

Also this has a HUGE spoiler from the Burning Maze. If you haven't read that yet, you probably shouldn't read this. You have been warned.

Como Aceptar (How to Deal)

by Frankie J

You begged Jason not to go after the Oracle. You knew things wouldn't be right, but for the wrong reasons. You thought things between him and his ex, Piper, would just get worse if they spent more time together. You didn't want Jason to leave because you were jealous.

Oh, how you wish jealousy was what you felt now.

You wanted to hate Apollo. You wanted to hate Meg. Most of all, you wanted to hate Piper. The prophecy stated that either Jason or Piper would die if they helped Apollo. Why did it have to be your Jason? Why couldn't have been Piper?

Jason was a blessing to the Earth and everyone around him. He was your everything; he was your other half. Now, you were broken. You felt as useless as a dead phone without a charger. The electric current you had become used to faded away, and you weren't there to be the person to hold him as he took his last breath. You weren't there when Jason sacrificed himself for the girl who had broken his heart.

Piper didn't even tell you about Jason's death. When she arrived to Camp Jupiter, she looked you dead in your eyes and kept walking. She brushed past you, not having the decency to tell you that your boyfriend saved her life.

And that is why you wanted to hate Piper.

You stood in front of Jason's casket, wearing all black. Reyna comforted you as your sobs became uncontrollable. Your body broke down as you tried so hard to heave in a breath. It made you feel selfish. Here you are breathing, while Jason is cold and lifeless.

Memories of your short time with him flooded your brain as your tears took over your body.


Percy had suggested that you and Jason and he and Annabeth go out for a swim. You wanted to stay back and train some more, knowing Chiron would kill you guys for breaking the schedule. Jason begged you to come along so he wouldn't be the third wheel and so he could spend the day with you. You agreed, because how could you say no to your adorable boyfriend?

You found yourself on top of Jason's shoulders, trying to push Annabeth over into one of the small lakes at camp.

"Come on, Jay, stop wobbling so much." You laugh as you shove Annabeth backwards.

"Easy for you to say, you're on top." He laughed back as he secretly tried to trip Percy.

As you pushed Annabeth one more time, she grabbed your arm pulling you forward instead of backwards. You tried to hurriedly regain your balance, but you moved back too fast and crashed into the cool water.

Jason picked you up in his arms as you glared at the other couple in front of you playfully. Jason lifted your chin and made you face him. He slowly leaned in and kissed you as you (literally) felt sparks erupt through your body.


Reyna left you to go speak up on the stage. As the praetor on Camp Jupiter, she had to give a small speech at each funeral, even if it was the funeral of the boy she fell in love with a one time. She looked over to you and felt her heart crush even more. If this was hard for her, she could only imagine how hard it was for the person who actually had the chance to love Jason.


The first time you talked to Jason was during your first week at Camp Half-blood. Some of the Hermes kids were pranking you, but you didn't know your fate. You were blind folded by Connor Stoll. He had claimed that he was guiding you towards the area where they had a small new camper gift waiting for you.

You didn't know yet that you couldn't trust them. When he finally removed your blindfold, you only had a few seconds to take in your surrounding. You were standing on top of a twenty foot cliff that hovered above a body of water.

"Wait, no, don't-" was all you were able to say before Connor pushed you over the edge and sent you to your doom.

The only thought that went through your head was a silent prayer that the water wasn't too shallow. After what felt like an eternity, you felt strong arms swoop you up out of the air. You opened your eyes to see a blond haired boy with glasses looking down at you.

Once he set you down, he began to question you. "Are you alright?"

His blue eyes distracted you as you slowly nodded your head. He continued on with another question. "Did the Hermes cabin do this?"

You nodded again, before speaking up. "I'm y/n."

Jason looked slightly surprised by you giving him your name instead of details of the incident. He shock eventually turned into a kind gaze. "I'm Jason. Hopefully the next time I see you, you won't be almost dying."


It's ironic how one of the first things you talked about with your boyfriend was death and the last moment you had with him was your body being draped across his casket. Reyna held you up as she guided you to the microphone. Apparently, Jason requested to Apollo for you to speak at his funeral.

You choked back a sob as you looked into the crowd. "My boyfriend, Jason Grace, was the best person I've ever met. He always knew how... how to make everyone laugh, especially when he was getting hit in the head with a brick." You cracked a watery smile at the crowd. Everyone who understood the joke laughed with you. "Percy was the first one to start shipping him with a brick. As it caught on, we all joked about burying him with a brick when he died..." You looked down at his casket.

"Two months ago, when we made that joke, we didn't think his funeral would be anytime soon. But the Fates are cruel. The most beautiful gems are always chosen before the rest. J-Jason was the best gem this Earth ever had, and the best it will ever see. He came into my life as a hero, and he went out as a hero. My boyfriend was m-more than a hero of Olympus. He was the hero this world needed, but didn't deserve."

You picked up a single forget-me-not flower from the bouquet someone had given you and placed it over his casket and whispered, "I will never forget you, Jason. I love you."

Everyone clapped for you as you stared off into the sky. The sky was cloudy and looked like rain would be coming soon. Zeus, too, felt the pain of his son dying, but you don't think that anyone in the world felt worst than you did.

Enjoy his beautiful/sad fanart of Jason

Enjoy his beautiful/sad fanart of Jason

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