3.0 Tj x Reader

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Ah yes, another peaceful day in Valhalla. As you walk through the lovely hotel like residence, you will find only the classiest of residents. To your left, there is a deadly game on pin the tail on Thor's goats. To the right, you will see a lovely tea party, where the dead aggressively drink mead and scream politely about how many people they killed in one of the practice wars from the previous day.

Yes, Valhalla is a gracious estate with the best of the best. Not even Wayne manner can achieve this level of excellence. But, what do we have here on Floor 19? It appears to be a dead fan and his/her/their boyfriend watching Hamilton together. This should be interesting.


Tj rolled his eyes and leaned back against your bed frame. "I'm not watching this! I don't do musicals."

You frowned at your boyfriend's refusal to watch one of the best musicals ever. "But, TJ, don't you love America. The country you fought and died for?"

"Yeah, you can't tell by my amazing fashion sense?" He sarcastically asked. "What's that have to do with anything?"

You smirked to yourself. You had him cornered right were you wanted him "Well, this is about the founding of America! You'll get to learn about Alexander Hamilton, George Washington, John Laurens..." The last name grabbed his attention, so you decided to seal the deal. "And, oh I don't know, Thomas Jefferson."

"Thomas Jefferson and John Laurens in the same movie?" He sat straight up. "Okay, I see what you did there. I'm in turn it on."

You hollered with joy and quickly turned on the American Musical. (Can dead people have a Disney Plus account?) As King George's voice began to speak, you threw a blanket over both of you and tried to hold in your excitement. Let the show begin.


"Are you really going to sing every song that plays?" TJ asks you after you perfectly recited the musical all the way until he paused after "Aaron Burr, Sir" played.

You shook your head no. "I'm only going to sing my favorite songs. I promise."

Little did he know all forty-six songs were your favorite. 

He hummed in response and wrapped his arms around your shoulders. He may not admit it later, but he was definitely jamming out to all the small raps in "My Shot." You couldn't blame him though. Lin-Manuel Miranda did have a way with words.

Even though TJ has been trying to listen to more modern day music, he could not keep up with Lafayette during "Guns and Ships." When I tell you this man paused and rewinded just to try to make out the words multiple times, I kid you not. He had become that invested in the musical.

"How is it possible to talk that fast? He just said like thirteen words in three seconds!" He said in awe.

Meanwhile, you're over there keeping up with Laf, not hearing a single word TJ is saying. "I'm taking this horse by the reigns making redcoats redder with blood stains! Oh sorry, did you say something, babe?"

He gawked at you in confusion. He was impressed with your rapping skills. If he thought that was good, wait until you get to  "Washington on Your Side."


"John Laurens died!? What? But he was so revolutionary. Why didn't you tell me this?" Your boyfriend whined.

"Sweetheart, you do realize all the characters in this play are dead right? Heck, we're dead too!" You remind him.

He made a sound somewhere between a laugh and a scoff. "Oh yeah... You still could've told me!"

You placed a hand on his shoulder and faced him instead of the TV screen. He furiously wiped at his eyes. You covered your mouth. "Are you crying?"

He frowned and looked away from you. He claims he had something in his eyes, which you quickly pointed out was tears. If that messed him up, wait until Philip comes onto the scene.

You slightly regretted watching this with him once Thomas Jefferson came onto the scene in the second act. He smirked proudly as if they were praising him. "It's kinda weird to hear these random people telling me how much they missed me. You should play this song every time I walk into the room."

You shot him a glare. "Don't make me tell Alex to garrote your head off again." This earned a nervous laugh from him. "Besides, Daveed Diggs is the better Thomas Jefferson."


Once it was all over, you decided to ask him how he felt about the musical. You received a monologue as a response.

"First, can I say the representation in that was amazing. I've never seen so many people that look like me perform in the other musicals you've made me watch. And the music! The dancing! Did you see that dance number in "Yorktown?" I can so learn how to do that with my gun!"

Five minutes later, TJ finally finished talking by saying. "Did you notice that Maria Reynolds handed him the pen right before he wrote the Reynolds Pamphlet? Or what about how when Philip was dying there was a heartbeat in the background? Or when we first meet Philip he was counting to ten with Eliza but he always messed up at seven and that's the number they were on when he died. Or-"

"TJ! I love you but I get it! Enough please! Is this what I sound like everyday when I talk about Hamilton?" You ask as you flop back onto the bed. "I see why Alex always shuts the door in my face now."

He laughed and kissed your forehead. "Yes, except you sound like this whenever you talk about any of your fandoms."


That's right. Even in Valhalla, home of warriors, do we get to see dead people obsessing over dead people. It is quite the sight isn't it? No, there's never a dull day here in Valhalla. Next on our stop, we will see Mango Cheese- I mean Magnus Chase- screaming and running down the hall in fear of his significant other chasing him with a butter knife. Alex is a fan favorite.

We'll see you on the next episode of Redefining Classy: Valhalla Edition ©.

Yeah idk what this was either lol

Ask me Questions here>>>

Q: What's your zodiac sign? ( @princess789124 )
A: I'm a Sagittarius ♐️ (also known as the forgotten zodiac sign)

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