2.0 Percy x Reader

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Percy was confused. One minute, he wakes up without his memory, the next he's standing in this strange camp. He knew he had never been to this place before, but something about it felt nostalgic. Seeing all the campers run around, either working or enjoying themselves, made Percy miss home. The only problem is, he didn't know what or where home was.

You noticed the new camper wondering around aimlessly. Octavian had asked (ordered) you to retrieve more stuffed animals for him to sacrifice (murder), but you figured helping someone was more important. You sprinted up to the new kid, waving at him to grasp his attention.

He looked around him, before pointing to himself. "Are you talking to me?"

You smiled and nodded. "You're new here. Percy right?"

Percy tried to hide his look of shock. "I see you know my name. Word must spread quickly here."

You laugh and motion for him to follow you. Picking up the trash bag full of teddy bears, you hoist it over your shoulder. Percy volunteered to take it from you like the gentleman he is, but you assured him you could handle it. The two of you marched across the camp until you reached Octavian's sacred abode. 

"Y/n, there you are! I gave you the easiest assignment and you still managed to mess it up!" Octavian lashed out the moment you entered and snatched the garbage bag full of toys. "And you brought the vastest failure with you."

You crossed your arms, tired of his bitterness. "First of all, I didn't mess anything up. You wanted supplies for your stuffed animal massacre and I provided. Next time, get them yourself. C'mon, Percy."

The green eyed teenager shot the rude, pale boy one last look before following behind you. "Well, that was a warm welcome. I feel so accepted."

You waved your hand dismissively. "Don't worry about that jerk. He's just bitter because Apollo regrets being his father or something." Percy looked like he wanted to comment on what you said, but kept quiet. You continued. "Anyway, welcome to Camp Jupiter. Where are you from, stranger?"

Percy scratched his head in confusion. "I... don't remember. My memory is fuzzy. All I remember is this name in the back of my head, but I don't know why."

You raised an eyebrow. "You don't remember anything? Maybe I can help you piece back together your memory some." You lead him to one of the infrastructure that contained maps and books. "I guess we can just go through the states until one of them sounds right."

Percy focused hard as you read through the list of states. He knew all of them, so at least that part of his memory was in tact. He didn't feel anything special until your finger landed on New York. The connections in his brain fired, trying to bring back what he already knew.

"New York. I think I'm from New York." He blurted out. "I keep getting this image of this building. I can't remember the name of it, but it feels like it's important for some reason."

You quickly flipped through the pages of another book about the state in question. Your eyes caught the image of the Empire State Building. You passed the book to the dark haired boy. "Is this it? The Empire State Building?"

His eyes lit up brightly, excited to finally remember something. "Yeah, that's the one! I'm seeing myself flying around it on a... horse? I don't know. That might be my brain trauma talking."

You giggled at him. "No, that makes perfect sense actually. You must be a Greek demigod. The Greeks have pegasi at their camp. Rumor has it that the gods live at the top of the Empire State Building. Which means, you're not new to this whole demigod itinerary."

Percy grinned at you. "I must not have been all that if I forgot it all so easily." He sighed and thought about all the things he must have seen in his short lifetime that he couldn't even fathom at the moment. "Can pegasuses talk? Because I'm definitely getting some flashbacks of talking to a few."

"First of all, it's pegasi. You must be a son of Neptune- sorry, Poseidon- if you can talk to horses." You point out. "That or you're just flat out one of those Horse Girls. If it makes you feel better, everyone here appears to be pretty impressed with you, so you must have been important at the other camp."

Percy scoffed. "I doubt they even notice I'm missing."

You thought for a moment. "Now that you say that, it does seem kind of suspicious that Jason goes missing and then you show up. He and Reyna are two of the most important campers here. Assuming you're just as important at the other place, there has to be something up."

Percy's stomach growled. "What's suspicious is how hungry I am. When's dinner?"

You rolled your eyes and kept flipping through the book about New York, trying to find anything that may jog his memory. The two of you kept this routine up whenever you had downtime. Of course, everything changed when more Greeks arrived and destroyed a portion of Camp Jupiter. Even worse, that name that Percy said was in the back of his mind was his girlfriend he had forgotten about. 

You admit you had started to develop feelings for the raven haired halfblood. You would never willingly come in-between someone's relationship, so you stayed quiet about it and pretended that everything was fine. You ignored your slightly bitter feelings whenever he and Annabeth connected so closely in front of you. 

When it was time for the Seven to leave on their quest to save the world, Percy hugged you goodbye. Annabeth thanked you for keeping him in order while he was out of her sight and for helping him restore some of his memory. Your heart ached, but you could see that what they had was real. Heck, the only thing he remembered was her. Besides, you had only know him for a few days. You could tell that they had something that took years to build. 

You just hoped that one day you'd be reunited with the sassy boy again.

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