1.0 Tj x Female!Reader

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The historical American Civil War is a story taught throughout the United States. However, no one ever tells the story of two of the bravest warriors that fought in that war. Both of these two were overlooked and underestimated due to the fact that one was a black soldier and one was a woman. I know what you're thinking, women weren't allowed to fight in wars back then. Well, my friends, this brave warrior was a nurse during the war. A nurse who decided to pull a Mulan in order to save her country and end slavery.

Thomas Jefferson Jr., believe it or not, was a major flirt. The women at the camps who served as cooks and nurses rolled their eyes whenever he came their way. The only one that actually appreciated his presence was y/n. Tj's flirting with the beautiful young woman led to him actually catching feelings. Something about her was different. The fire in her eyes, her passion and drive to serve the North, it was something that many of the others didn't possess as much as she did.

Y/n made it obvious that she liked him back. They were practically a couple. The day before Tj was planning on asking her out officially, was the day he died for his country. Tyr being his dad meant that he couldn't turn down a challenge. Y/n was devastated to see him die.

As she moped around camp, she overheard a meeting between the commanders. They had the opportunity to take down an important general of the Confederate army, but no one wanted to risk their life to do it. Y/n debated on whether or not she should take action. Eventually, she put her country above herself and took one of the Union uniforms and tied her hair back and under the matching cap.

The Confederate army had a post about a mile away. Union troops were scheduled to move yesterday, but they ended up staying. It didn't make sense to Y/n why they would choose to stay so close to the enemy during the night. She removed the thought from her mind and made her way through the woods.

By the time she made it to the enemy's camp, the sun was beginning to rise. The Confederate army was lining up, preparing to ambush the Union's troops. Y/n knew it was finally time for her to risk everything.

As the general struggled to climb onto his stubborn horse, she charged him. The man flew from the top of the majestic creature. She and the general struggled to gain the upper hand on each other. The soldiers aimed their guns, but refused to fire, afraid of accidentally hitting their general. Y/n tried to stab him with her blade at the end of the gun, but he grabbed it and pushed against her efforts. She panicked and pulled the trigger of the gun. His body fell limp against the ground.

Y/n couldn't believe she had just taken a man's life. Before she could fully take in what just happened, dozens of bullets came hurdling towards her. She fell to the ground, clutching one of her wounds. Her cap flew from her head, revealing her hair and face. Coughing, she closed her eyes.

When she opened her eyes, she found herself in a different place. It appeared to be some hotel filled with men with unkempt hair fighting each other. Someone placed a hand on her shoulder and began to guide her around the strange place. Before they could take her away, she made eye contact with the man she had fallen for in her last life: Thomas Jefferson Jr.


Y/n finally felt comfortable with her new home after a few months. She and Tj had grown closer now, despite them being on opposing floors. It felt weird to say, but Y/n looked forward to dying every week because it meant she could go head-to-head with Tj.

She gripped her (weapon) in her hand and smirked at the dark skinned boy on the other side of the arena (do they fight in an arena?). Tj did the same, casting a wink her way. As the battle began, they ran straight for each other.

She blocked his attack. "Hey, handsome. Ready to lose again?"

"Lose?" Tj stepped back and placed a hand over his heart. "I do believe I beat you last time."

Y/n charged him, tackling him. "That's only because you were trying to kiss me. I refuse to kiss someone with death breath." She whacked him with her weapon, purposely not injuring him.

He managed to flip her and straddled her waist. "One of these days you're going to agree to the 2 K's. Kiss then kill is the new Truth or Dare." He smirked as he aimed his blade at her.

"Oh, please Tj. Truth or Dare wasn't even a thing when we were alive." She knocked his gun away with her weapon. "Don't act like you haven't been trying to kiss me since the first day you saw me at camp."

He scrambled to grab his weapon, but Y/n tripped him. She aimed her weapon at him. He smirked. "I'm still waiting on that true love's kiss. Don't act like you don't want all of this." He motioned to his body.

Y/n rolled her eyes and shot/stabbed/etc him in the stomach. "Maybe in your next life, Jefferson."

He winced and looked her in the eyes. She kneeled next to him, placing a kiss on his lips. "See you at dinner, lover boy." She took a step back and finished him off.

He coughed and forced a smile onto his face. "I let you win this one. Next time, I'm not going easy on you."

"Oh, Tj, that was me going easy on you." She waved flirtatiously as he died and walked away. "Until next time, loser."

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