Dating Him/Her Would Include...

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-Constantly battling with all of his sass, because come on, this is Percy we're talking about.

-Going to farms and beaches, watching as Percy laughs and talks to the sea animals/horses.

"What's he saying, Percy?"

He giggles at the horse. "He thinks you're pretty."

The horse neighs in response. Percy blushes deeply. "No, I'm not telling her you said that!"

"What did he say?" You ask.

Percy grabs your hand and storms off. "N-nothing."

-Looking through books and pointing to random pictures and saying "that's you!"

-Being the most popular couple at both Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter.

-So many dam jokes.

-Him only wanting to cook/bake with you if you let him use blue food coloring.

-Going over his house just spend time with his baby sister and Percy getting jealous.

"Come on y/n! I'm just as adorable as she is!"

-Getting caught playing with Riptide and impersonating him.

-Double dates with Grover and Juniper.

-Spending time underwater and playing with the marine life.


-Falafel, falafel, and more falafel.

-You and Alex teaming up to take down Magnus during the fights once your floor wins.

-Braiding his hair, despite how much he hates it.

"Y/n, I swear if you braid my hair-"

"Maggie, please. I'm trying to learn how to do this new hairstyle."

"Fine, just don't show anyone."

-Becoming best friends with Sam.

-Hearing him rant about how he hates the color blue.

"Don't let Percy hear you say that."

-Always being caught kissing by Hearthstone, who awkwardly signs "sorry" as he backs out the room.

-Sarcasm... so much sarcasm from the both of you.

-Cuddling. Magnus is a softie for the cuddles.

-Going on hikes.


-Always watching the Flash with him and having to deal with him taking Barry's corny pick up lines.

"Y/n, you're my lightning rod."

"Yeah, and you're corny and unoriginal."

"Why can't you just say 'that's cute' and move on?"

-Calling him Superman just to annoy him.

-Jason dramatically saying "Up, up, and away" before he takes off into the air with you in his arms.

-Another corny line he loves to say- that he also stole from a movie- is "there's no need to fear, Jason is here!" As he glides through the air.

-Kissing him and watching him be a blushing mess every time.

-Hiding his glasses until he agrees to buy you some (favorite food).

-You and Leo pranking him by dressing him up as Superman while he's sleeping.

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