1.0 Will x Reader

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You eyed your boyfriend closely. He stared back at you, a terrified expression on his face. You didn't want to fight him, but this was war. You couldn't let love stand in the way of your victory. If you had to ruin your love life, then so be it.

"Y/n, you don't have to do it." Will begged, pleading for you to change your mind.

It was too late, you had already chosen the dark side. "Oh, but I do. It's the only way." You knew your next move would change everything. Will wasn't going to stand in your way. You were going to get what you wanted, regardless of who you had to hurt along the way.

He gulped, not wanting to accept his fate. "Please! You can come back from this. You can redeem yourself!"

You shook your head. There was no way to change your mind. "Beg all you want. The only way I can redeem my name is by taking you down now."

You swooped your hand down and slammed it against the table, glaring your boyfriend down. "Draw four, loser! Uno!"

You high fived Leo who was sitting across from you. It was game night and you, the Greek members of the seven, Jason, Will, and Nico were engrossed in a game of Uno. Annabeth had already won the first three games. There was no way you were going to risk losing to make your boyfriend feel better.

Will feigned a look of shock and betrayal, holding his right hand over his heart. "Sweetheart, I thought he had something special?" 

"We do, but that has nothing to do with breaking Annabeth's winning streak." You point across the table to the blonde haired girl that was frowning at her soon-to-be defeat.

He huffed and snatched his four cards up. You just had to pray that no one had any good cards. Yeah, well your godly parent must have been taking a nap because the exact opposite happened. After Nico skipped Leo, Jason changed the color to yellow, knowing you had a red card in your hand from when you placed down the draw four. Piper changed the color to blue without hesitation. Percy threw down a draw two, smirking at Annabeth.

"Don't get too excited, Seaweed Brain," she said as she waved a card in the air, "Remember, we're playing stacks this round." She slammed down another draw two on top of Percy's with a satisfied grin.

The tension in the air grow as you gripped your last card nervously. It was almost if everyone was out to get you. The events played out so perfectly. Will placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, but the smirk on his face showed he was happy you were getting a taste of your own medicine (would that be considered a child of Apollo pun?).

Frowning, you removed his hand from your arm and turned to Annabeth. "Don't get too excited, Annie." You stole the expression right off of her face and place it onto your own. "Remember, we're playing stacks this round."

You proudly threw down your red draw two card. Crossing your arms, you leaned back in your chair and said, "Uno out."

Percy, Jason, and Leo "oohed" enthusiastically. You had just beat the one and only Annabeth in one of her favorite card games. Nico threw the rest of his stack on the table. Piper and Will did the same, upset that they lost with so may cards left over. 

"Well guys, this winner needs a victory drink." You stretched out your arms cockily. "Where's the cooler?"

Everyone pointed to the other side of the cabin. Since it was Percy's night to host, you were all in the Poseidon cabin. You began your trod of triumph across the room. Will followed behind you.

"You know, most couples break up after stabbing the other in the back." He commented, moving the ice around in search of a water and a (favorite drink).

You scoffed playfully. "Oh, please, William. I did not stab you in the back. You had half a deck of cards in your hand already from when Leo reversed the order the first time. I merely dug the knife deeper into your spine."

He glared at you while tossing your drink in the air. Catching it, you wasted no time opening it and taking a sip of the delicious beverage.

"Still, y/n, I think you owe me." He reciprocated your actions. "I mean, all of the doctor's notes I give you to get you out of various activities and this is how you repay me? I don't even charge you medical bills."

Grinning, you softly grab him by his collar. The son of Apollo instantly blushed a dark shade of red. You hummed and pretended to think about what he said. "What can I say, Willy Wonka? You're the world's best doctor." You kissed him and let him go. "You're also a sore loser."

You sauntered away from him. He grabbed your arm and pulled you into his chest. "Sore loser or not, I think you still owe me another kiss." He pressed his lips against yours.

Your friends said nothing. Figuring you both might be a while, they started the next round of Uno without you. Neither one of you minded, you both were the real winners at the moment.

I spontaneously had this idea a while ago and I just had to write it! Sorry for two short chapters back-to-back. Next is the long awaited Nico x Female!Pregnant!Reader finale  ;)

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