2.0 Dating Him/Her Would Include...

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-Never ending conversations about war

-Failing to convince him to wear colors besides the Union's

-Conversations about injustice and societal issues (I mean his dad is Tyr)

-Comforting him when he recounts his memories of his childhood

-Being super competitive

       "I bet I can find my way back to Floor 19 before you!" He would say, taking off before you could respond.

       "Tj! You know the design of Valhalla changes all the time!" You yell before taking off behind him.


-Teasing him about different Canadian things he does, knowing it will (somewhat) upset him

-Constantly hearing him say "I'm Canadian" whenever something happens

-Big bear hugs (literally)

-Asking him to turn into different animals so you can impress everyone

-Making him blush whenever you show affection

-Him being the sweetheart that he is and apologizing (apollogizing) for everything

     "I'm sorry." Frank quickly said.

     "Frank, you ran into a mannequin. You don't have to apologize to it." You say.

     "Sorry." He said again, teasing you.

-Having dates in New Rome interrupted by his Praetor duties

-Him trusting you with wooden stick


-Never being able to keep a teddy bear

     "Octavian! I just bought that one to replace the last one!"

     "I thought I left it here! I'm sorry!"

-Getting weird looks from everyone

     "Try to destroy a Greek camp one time and everyone gives you nasty looks." He says.

-Forcing him to have fun and go on a date instead of slaughtering stuffed animals

-Kissing his cheek when he pretends to be angry and making him be flustered


-Dates involving music and singing

-Sitting together during camp fire sing alongs

-Will teaching you how to patch up various injuries

-Pretending to be hurt just to get to see him when he's working

     "Y/n, what's wrong this time?"

     "I'm suffering from missing-my-boyfriend-itis."

-Watching Dr Tv shows all of the time

-Having dates interrupted by Apollo (Lester) who loves playing the overprotective dad role

     "You guys wanna hear a story about the first time I was in love?"

     "Dad! Go away!"

Apollo (Lester)

-Him introducing you to his kids

     "You know, you're basically their stepmom." He nudges you.

     "Yeah, no. I didn't sign up for that."

-Listening to him complain about Zeus being the worst dad

-Watching him slowly become a better, less selfish person

-Pranking him with Meg

-Spending countless hours practicing archery and singing

-Having to sit through his terrible haikus 

-Him writing love songs for you and performing them in front of large crowds of people

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