Being Caught with a Hickey (All + Reyna)

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Last night was date night for you and Percy. It was the one night a week where you could act like normal teenagers. Today, the raven haired boy was in an ecstatic mood, basically skipping across camp. Chiron gestured for him to come over.

"Percy, I wanted to run a few ideas past you about how we can... improve.. Okay I'm sorry did you get punched in the neck by Clarisse again or something?" Chiron spotted the dark spot on Percy's neck.

Percy, being the oblivious demigod he is, responded, "No, why do you ask?"

Chiron sighed. "Next time you and y/n 'hang out' at least try to hide the evidence. No wonder the whole camp was giggling as you walked by." The centaur pranced away, forgetting to ask the son of Poseidon the question he called him over for.

Percy blushed darkly and tugged on his shirt collar. He turned to see everyone nearby staring at him. 


You and Jason had been hanging out in the Zeus cabin. You finally had free time and were more than happy to spend it with your boyfriend. Once dinner time hit, you and Jason went your separate ways to sit at your assigned tables. 

The Hunters of Artemis had chosen this particular day to drop by. Thalia clapped her brother on the back and sat down next to him. She raised an eyebrow at the dark bruise on the side of her brother's neck that she noticed as he shifted in his seat.

"So, you been swimming with leeches recently?" She cracked a grin at her brother.

Jason gawked at his sister, quickly adjusting his collar to hide the mark you had left on him. "N-no! Y/n must have... You know what? It must've been that brick I got hit with again. O-one of the Hermes kids-"

"Save your breath. Next time wear a turtle neck or a hoodie." She nudged him with a smirk. "Unless you want to show the whole world your love marks."

Jason blushed and faced away from his sister, awkwardly shoving some more food in his face to avoid finishing the conversation.


You exited the bunker just as Piper was walking in. You waved to her with a smile and continued your way back to your cabin. She returned the gesture and entered through the door. 

"Hey, Leo. What's up?" She greeted.

Leo jumped and slapped a hand over his neck. He tried to sneakily hide the mirror he had just held in his hand. "Pipes, how ya doing?"

Piper raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms at her best friend's weird behavior. "Okay, you're being weirder than usual."

"What? Pfft. No I'm not!" As if he weren't doing a bad enough job lying already, his nose caught on fire. "Schist!" He swatted at it to put the flame out.

Once he removed his hand, Piper could see what he was trying to hide. She cracked up laughing. "That has got to be the biggest hickey I have ever seen in my life! Did sweet, innocent y/n actually do that?"

Leo blushed so hard again that his ears began to smoke. He couldn't even respond. He picked the mirror back up and continued gazing at the mark his girlfriend/boyfriend/significant other had left on his neck. Once he finally cooled down, he said. "What can I say? I'm the Bad Boy Supreme, of course y/n wanted to mark me."

"Yep, I'm leaving. I didn't need to hear that." Piper turned on her heel.


Nico had spent the whole previous day with you because he was going to Camp Jupiter for the week. Once he said his goodbyes, he shadow travelled to the Roman camp. Hazel was the first person to take notice of her half-brother's presence.

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