2.3 Nico x Female!Reader

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You zipped Orpheus' backpack shut. The birthday boy bounced on his toes and held his hands out to grab the bag from you. Shaking your head with a smile, you help your son slip on his (favorite superhero) book bag. Nico scooped the boy up in his arms.

"You excited, buddy?" Your boyfriend asked the giddy boy he was holding.

"Yes! Charlie and Esperanza said they have a surprise for me!" Orpheus grinned. "I bet it's a bag of candy."

You smiled and kissed both of your boys on their cheeks. "Hold some of that excitement for your party. I'll see you after school."

Nico placed the his son back on the floor. Your little boy waved goodbye frantically as his dad opened the door for the pair to leave. You had a long day ahead of you. First, you have to survive two college classes, then you'd have to start on all of the decorations. Nico promised to get the cake as soon as he finished his college lab. Nico was a geophysics major while you were a (major of choice) major. To say the least, life has been hectic. However, you both managed things responsibly and gave the other breaks when needed.

Stuffing your notebooks into your bag, you ran to your car. If you timed things right, you should be able to get a cup of (coffee/hot chocolate/etc) and make it to class on time.


Around four hours later, you fell onto your couch exhausted. The bag of decorations dangled lazily from your hands. A voice made you jolt to attention.

"I see you're home early. I wasn't expecting to see you until two o'clock." Nico greeted you with a hug. "How was class?"

You sighed heavily into his chest, not wanting to pull away. "Thankfully, my last class was cut short. My professor returned our exams and let us leave after we went over it."

He hummed and kissed your forehead. "And how did you do?"

"Oh, I did alright. I got a ninety-two after the curve my professor added." You finally released him from the embrace to pick up bags you had left on the floor.

"Alright? You aced your midterm. I say that deserves a celebration, my significant annoyance." Nico said jokingly as he took the birthday banner from your grasp. "Family dinner tomorrow, my treat."

You brushed past him. You placed the birthday hats around the table the children would be sitting at. "Oh, please. You and I both know when you say 'dinner is your treat' that means we'll be eating McDonald's. Honestly, Neeks, I thought you used that to summon the dead."

"I do, but that doesn't mean I can't share chicken nuggets with my son every once in a while." He replied, steadying a chair to stand in. You handed him the banner and held the chair still as he hug the fixture.

A smile graced your face. "I love hearing you say that, you know. Calling him your son."

He shrugged and motioned for you to pass him the tape. "Hey, I may be the Ghost King, but that doesn't mean I don't have a heart. You and our kid are my favorite people in the world. When are we gonna have another?"

You nearly choked on air. Nico has definitely changed throughout the years. He's happier. He more willing to be open about his feelings and emotions. To top it all, Nico has gained another side to his sense of humor. "Yeah, well, I'm not having anymore kids until there's a shiny diamond on my left hand ring finger."

Nico got down from the chair and moved it over about ten feet to hang the other end of the sign. "Guess I better start looking for engagement rings soon then."

You scoffed and rolled your eyes. You almost walked away, but then you remembered you were supposed to be making sure Nico didn't fall or lose balance. "We've been officially back together for a week, di Angelo. Something tells me we have a while to go until rings are needed."

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