1.0 Reyna x Reader

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Reyna jabs her javelin in your direction. You quickly stepped back and adjusted your footing  to avoid her next attack. You counter with your (weapon) and try to knock her back. She growls, easily blocking your attack and maneuvers around you. She rips your weapon from your grasp. You took this opportunity to punch her in the face. Wiping the blood from her lips, she smirks. You knew you had just made a big mistake. You lunge for your weapon, but Reyna tackles you to the ground before you got the chance.

You grunt as your body collides with the dirt and dust. Reyna smirks at you. "You lost... again." She kisses your forehead and helps you up.

"Yeah, okay RaRa. I'll get you next time." You huffed as you bent over with your hands on you knees. You smirked to yourself, knowing how much she hates that nickname. You dusted yourself off as you watched her reaction.

She rolls her eyes and pushes you back into the dirt. "Y/n, I swear if you-"

"Ra-ra-ah-ah-ah. Roma-roma-mama." You began singing and dancing around her when you stood back up. She shoved you away, but you latched onto her in a hug. "Oh, come on you know you love me."

Reyna smiles, despite her wanting to keep up her tough act. She scoffs and folds her arms. "And for some reason, I still can't figure out why." She wraps an arm around your waist.

You had been dating Reyna for almost a year now. The young praetor never expected to find love, especially after she foolishly let herself fall for two of her former praetors. She swore she was done with love, but then you came around to annoy her. You were different from the other people she had fallen for. You were this energetic, smart, and stubborn demigod that walked onto the scene when she needed someone to be there for her. It was as if the Fates and Venus had arranged it.

"You say that all the time, Rey, but you and I both know I'm the best thing that's ever happened to you." You teased, kissing her cheek and running off to lunch. "Bet I can beat you to the tables."

Reyna sighed happily and ran off behind you. She, of course, beat you there, despite your head start. It was in her genes to excel at everything she does. Most people would be jealous of this attribute, but it was one of the many reasons why you were attracted to the daughter of Bellona in the first place.

You playfully glared at your girlfriend. "You know, it wouldn't kill you to let me win at something just one time! That's all I ask for."

"And what good would that do?" She sips on her drink nonchalantly.

"Well, for one it would boost my confidence! You don't even have to let me win by that much. Just give me a twenty second head start to make it an even match." You grumble and cross your arms.

Reyna laughs that laugh you had fallen in love with. "Maybe if you'd wake up early enough to join me on my morning runs you would actually stand a chance. Practice makes perfect."

You scoffed jokingly. "Practice doesn't make perfect. Reyna makes perfect. You are literally so amazing at everything that people have to readjust their standards." You stand up and hug her from behind, smushing your face against hers.

"If that's the case, what happened to your standards?" She pushes your face away, just for you to return to annoying her in the same way.

"Pfft, all my standards went out the window the day I met you. No one else can live up to you, so what's the point of even considering my old standards."

She hummed. "That sounds like a bitter compliment."

You grinned and placed your chin on top of her head. "It's only bitter because you cheated when we were sparring."

Reyna laughed, not believing what she just heard. "I cheated? Please explain to me how I cheated when you were the one distracting me with your flirting!"

"Oh, Reyna." You began as you returned to your seat next to her. You rested your head in your hand and looked into her eyes. "That beautiful face of yours made me mess up. Next time, wear a helmet or something."

She guffawed. "As if that will help you. Your flirting won't help you either. Girlfriend/boyfriend/significant other or not, you still need more training if you ever want the chance of beating me."

You smiled at her confidence. You knew she was being playful, but it was true. Heck, if you had to train more, at least it would be with her. Spending more time with Reyna was always worth it. She's always so busy running the camp that you two barely have any serious time to be a couple. So, if it took an extensive workout to gain more quality time, you sure were going to take it!

"Fine," you grumble, "but only if we start after 7 am. My brain can't comprehend waking up any earlier than that."

She shook her head. "6 am soldier. You know what they say about the early bird."

You rolled your eyes. "The early bird catches the worm and then gets eaten by some other predator."

She didn't even respond to your comment. "6 am. No earlier and no later. Be there or I'm canceling our next date."

You gasp dramatically and place a hand over your heart. "That's just plain evil! Rey, you wouldn't!"

"I would. Better rest up tonight, babe. We have a War Games to prepare for." Reyna stood, adjusted her toga, and flirtatiously walked away from you.

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