2.0 Will x Reader

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evil_child_Hamilton sorry this took so long!

The next day, after your sinister game of Uno, Chiron held another Capture the Flag game. Your friend group normally joined in on the games, but this time you all decided to take a rain check. Staying up until four a.m. to play card games really makes you not want to chase someone around with a sword over a flag. Moreover, all of your backs were hurting from falling asleep on the floor of the Poseidon cabin during that final round of Uno. 

Your plan was to sleep the afternoon away in (godly parent)'s cabin. However, your boyfriend had something else in mind. Will hooked his arm around your shoulders as he walked you back to your cabin.

"You know, you still owe me for breaking my heart last night." He recalls.

You roll your eyes. "The only thing I owe you is a bottle of mouthwash, William."

He clutched his hand against his chest, mimicking a heart attack. "Though your face be lovely, your words be evil." He joked, but quickly dropped the act when he realized how much he sounded like his father. "Seriously though, I have to work the infirmary today and I would love to have you by my side."

You whined. "But a nap sounds so good right now! Do I have to?"

"Doctor's orders." Will nodded.

You reluctantly agreed once Will assured you that not many people would need your help today. You promised to meet back up with him after you took a shower and changed out of yesterday's clothes. Will assisted you into changing into Camp Half-blood's equivalent of hospital scrubs and gloves.

Will lied to you.

The Ares cabin apparently went berserk during Capture the Flag and trampled anyone who stood in their way of winning. They even took out some of their teammates! There was a steady flow of campers who needed medical assistance. The injuries ranged from fixing a dislocated finger to stitching someone's arm back on. The hassle kept you from being emotional about all of the trauma you were seeing. You were just glad you opted out of the dangerous activity today. 

Running from room to room, you replaced scalpels, syringes, and gauze to the "doctors" that needed them. You handled some of the smaller injuries on your own like cleaning off small wounds and wrapping various body parts after Will stitched them back together. Some younger campers had small cuts that you were happy to help with, handing them popsicles as a reward for their bravery.

It was rare that you got to see your boyfriend in full on Doctor Mode. He quickly, and easily, took charge of his siblings and any other helpers. He ordered them to their stations and assigned them tasks based on what their skill level and abilities offered. You somehow found this side of him... attractive. Your normally chill and laid back boyfriend is shouting commands at people while saving others. He never ceased to amaze you.

By the end of the day, you and Will were exhausted. You had changed out of your scrubs (technically you did this four times already because you didn't want to spread blood and bacteria to anyone) and flopped down on one of the makeshift hospital beds. A few minutes later, Will and all of his blond glory knocked on the door to the room you were in. He, too, had removed his uniform for the day.

"I didn't realize I had one last patient. What seems to be the problem?" He smiled tiredly at you.

You sent a small smile his way. "Doctor, I haven't received my daily dose of cuddles today. I might not make it!"

He laughed, shaking his head as he approached you. "I think that's a simple fix. Scoot over."

You eagerly made space in the small bed for Will to lay down besides you. He wrapped his lean arms around your frame and buried his face into your hair. Sighing contently, you closed your eyes and took in his scent. He always smelled of honey and almonds. You figured that was the fragrance of his shampoo.

"Just a short rest, then we go to dinner." Will said. You nodded and hummed in response.


Austin was searching all over the infirmary for his brother. Will hadn't shown up to dinner. They were supposed to rehearse their duet for the camp fire song tonight. His frustration and annoyance with his brother disappeared when he found the two of you cuddled up in the infirmary. 

Austin ushered in some of his siblings so they could see the adorable couple. However, he decided revenge would be much better than "awwing" at the two of you. Clearing his throat, he snatched the guitar from one of his sibling's hands and gently strummed the instrument.

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, he beautifully sang. "C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song!"

You bolted awake at the sudden Spongebob imitation. Will fell out of the bed and scrambled to get up from the floor. This didn't stop Austin from continuing. "And if you don't think that we can sing it faster then you're wrong, but it'll help if you just sing along!"

Will blushed darkly as he wrestled to get the instrument out of his half-brother's hands. The rest of the Apollo cabin present recited the song in between their fits of giggles. Placing a hand on Will's shoulder, you tried to calm him down. Despite the heart attack Austin had just given you, the situation was pretty funny.

Finally, his siblings left, reminding him not to be late for the sing-a-long in an hour. Kissing your boyfriend's cheek, you walked by his side and back to the cabins. Will ran a hand through his hair, the redness still visible on his face. "You don't think my dad will notice if he had one less son, would you?"

You laughed while shaking your head. You walked ahead of him without responding.

Will chased after you. "I'm just saying. I don't think anyone would notice if Austin went missing for a few days."

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