Author's Note and Chapter 1

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Please read, you need to read this to understand when and where this takes place. Okay, so this takes place during Flashback and, later, after Blood of Olympus. In Flashback, the story takes place at the troll fight at Everglend. I modified it to something totally different. Bear with me, I had this in a dream and wanted to put in down. And I know this isn't at all what happened. Warning: Contains Spoilers. Enjoy!


Sophie screamed as the trolls burst through the hive door, their slimy skin and ragged claws tearing the door off the hinges and tossing Umber aside. She looked shaken but alive. The blood thirsty trolls sniffed the air for dinner as everyone scrambled back for weapons. The ogres' swords bounced harmlessly off the newborns skin. Soon there was tangles of limbs and horrifying slurps indicating that the trolls were feeding.
"We need to get them back into the hive!" Someone shouted, but Sophie couldn't tell who. Everyone was running around trying to get away from the newborn trolls. A massive troll with ooze dripping from its muscular body saw Sophie and charged. She channeled her energy into her legs and propelled herself foward. Unfortunately, the troll caught up to her, raking its claws across her back. As she cried out in pain, she fell to the ground, pain shooting up her back. The troll loomed above her going in for the kill. Suddenly, Sophie had an idea. She channeled her energy outward, using her telekinesis to lift the newborn up. She struggled to find enough mental energy to levitate but somehow she did it. Once she was high enough, she broke her concentration and let herself fall waiting to the last minute to teleport, with the troll. Into the hive.

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