Chapter 18

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Thank you so much for  commenting to save my story, ey00_011.
Sophie and her friends bolted up.
"How do you know about that," Sophie demanded.
", are you okay?" Annabeth stuttered.
"What do you mean 'are you okay'?" Sophie hissed.
"I mean, well, you got tortured, and then fell from the sky."
Sophie noticeably paled.
"Impossible," she whispered,"A human can't know about that."
"Human?"Percy asked. Sophie mentally face palmed. Just then, the bell rang. 'Phew,' Sophie thought,'Saved by the bell.' (Anybody get my reference? If not that's okay. Honestly, I don't know much about it either, since I'm only 12. I only know some from my mom. ;D )
The elves rushed to their next class, which was Chemistry. Sophie would have been overjoyed that that she didn't blow anything up, but all she could think of is what Annabeth said. How does she know?
The thoughts followed Sophie until she was done with school, walking to where they were staying until they found out what was going on.
"Woah, what's that smell?" Keefe asked, "It's coming from there," he pointed to a cute shop called Sweet on America. 
"Oh, that's a candy shop," Fitz answered.
"What's candy?"
"You've never had candy before?" Sophie said, disbelief showing on her face. Keefe shook his head. Biana smiled and dragged the group towards the shop, "Neither have I, but it smells delicious." As they walked in, they saw barrels full with candy, and the smell hit them like a storm. Biana, Keefe, and Linh rushed around looking at the colorful treats.
"What's a 'free sample'?" Keefe questioned.
"You can have it for free; you don't have to pay." Sophie responded. Keefe smiled ear to ear and rushed over to the samples, shoving them in his mouth. 'He's not going to sleep tonight,' Sophie transmitted to everyone but Keefe. They all nodded, but didn't stop him. He was just having too much fun. Suddenly, two teenagers came in from the back room. One had raven black hair and sea green eyes. The other had unmistakable blonde hair and stormy grey eyes.

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