Chapter 29

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Sophie overheard Chiron telling Percy that the gods- wait gods? That's what these twelve foot people are?- would spill there blood for her. But they're the gods...they can't spill each other's blood, right?

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Sophie pushed all of the thoughts into a box labeled Deal with much, much later. Right now, she had to figure out which ability she had. She felt strange, and kind of powerful. But other than that, there was no signs to signal which ability she had.

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Keefe overheard the horse-guy talking to Percy that these gods would spill their blood for Foster. Would Foster get caught up in the crossfire?
"Not on my watch..." Keefe mumbled under his breath. He wondered what ability she got. The gods got louder and louder until the noise was almost deafening. Keefe turned around to see Percy talking to Chiron again.

"But why? Is it because she's an elf? But there's, like, six other elves here," Percy was asking.
"Sophie...Sophie is a...different elf..." A hesitant Chiron answered.

Keefe nodded. 'That she is...' he thought with a smile forming on his lips.

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Keefe turned from Percy and Chiron, to see Foster. Keefe agreed that the gods's arguing was ear-splitting but Foster was doubled over, clutching her her head with tears streaming down her face. Keefe went over to comfort her. She looked up at him, "Make it stop, Keefe, make it stop," she begged. Before Keefe could answer, Foster started to shake. But, it wasn't like she shook when she was about to inflict. She cried out and...time seemed to stop.

The gods stopped arguing...

Foster stood up and stopped shaking...

Shadows crept towards Foster...

A huge rain cloud popped inside that building...

The cloud released a purple-blue lightning bolt...

The lightning bolt combined with the shadows...

Everyone stopped moving...

As the lightning bolt combined with the shadows, words started to form. They spelled out:


Hello, readers! You will find out what Atmokinesis is next chapter, though some of you might already know.

Comment here if you know ➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️


I was going to write Kotlc Human AU...but I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEAS!

If you have ideas for it comment here➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️
(Don't worry I'll give you bucket-loads of credit 😉)

Have a lovely day!

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