Chapter 13

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This continues off of Keefe's flashback from Chapter 11.

"WHAT!!"Keefe yelled, "She...she can't!"
"I'm sorry Keefe, but maybe we can still save her." Just at that moment Tam showed up.
"Help her!"Keefe pleaded, "Sophie's dying!" Elwin and Tam worked for what seemed like hours to helps Sophie. Suddenly, Elwin stopped. "Is she okay?" Keefe hoped.
Elwin looked back sadly at him, tears in his eyes, "Bullhorn is on the last leaf." Keefe sunk to his knees and cried. Elwin sat down on a cot and cried. Even Tam had a few tears sliding down his cheeks. Bullhorn scrambled to Sophie's chest. "Wait," Elwin started, " There's a leaf missing." He pointed to Sophie's arm.
"She's alive?!" Tam and Keefe both shouted. "Sophie's not going down that easily," Elwin said, a smile forming on his lips.

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