Chapter 35

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Sophie watched in fear as her friends prepared for a battle they couldn't win.

'No! Don't come! I can find my own way out!' She wanted to scream, but her telepathy wasn't working.

She hung on every word they said, wishing that they would change their minds. In confusion she watched as the gods began to shimmer away.

The demigods and elves said goodbye to their friends and cabin mates as the passed Thalia's pine tree. Shouldering backpacks, they began the journey.

Fitz was sulking in the back, probably trying to communicate with Sophie.

They weren't even far away from camp when they ran into their first obstacle.

For the demigods, it was unknown, mysterious, but for the elves... it was all too familiar.

Standing in front of the group stood a creature, a hybrid of sorts. With venomous fangs, talons, spikes on their tail, wings, feathers, tail also dripping venom, the Gorgodon was easily one of the scariest creatures in the Lost Cities. The elves stood there, petrified since the creature was a literal monster. For the demigods? They just saw it as another thing to kill.

"Wait! Please, Josh! The Gorgodon could kill them!" Sophie struggled against the bindings.

"That is why we're here, today Sophie Foster. To make the gods see they're children fall at the hands of me."

Evil laughter echoed through the room.

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