Chapter 3

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Sophie muffled a scream as the edge of the force field touched her skin sending a storm of pain throughout her body. She tried not to double over and instead dropped to her knees covering her head with her hands as the force field continued closing in. Abruptly, it stopped. She slowly looked up, careful not to move to much because the field was still really tight. Gethen smiled slowly and with a small nod, Umber stepped foward. She had a look that Sophie had never seen before on a Neverseen member. It, like a kid that got to pick out her own puppy.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this," She said as she made an arrow out of shadowflux. Just the sight of it stirred the monster, and Gethen smiled at Sophie, seeing the fear on her face. Umber threw the arrow at her and Sophie shut her eyes, bracing herself. A cold ripping feeling tore into Sophie's forehead and her thoughts were jumbled as she screamed breaking the quiet of the night. Another pain hit Sophie in the heart. Then her stomach, causing her to throw up. More and more arrows hit Sophie till they stopped with her verging on the edge of unconsciousness. She opened her eyes halfway to see Gethen, wearing another cold smile.
"Bye, bye Moonlark."

I'm thinking of renaming my story. What should I rename it?

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