Chapter 21

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                            , sorry for no updating...I kind of forgot my password to my tablet...but now I remember it!

"Woah, those are some nasty feelings you got going there, Foster," Keefe groaned, fanning the air in front of him. Sophie's eyes widened and she looked at him then Annabeth. Apparently seeing her reaction, Keefe turned to the demigods and said, "Um, because she doesn't look too well. And I, um, waved because...hospitals stink?" His answer came out as more as a question then a statement. Annabeth didn't buy it.
"Uh huh," Percy mumbled beside her. He turned to Dex, "What do you mean, 'She can't go to a human healing center'? Are you not human? And what's a healing center?"

Instead of answering his questions, he, and the other people that Annabeth didn't think were human, turned to Sophie. It looked like they were having a telepathic conversation, but that's not possible...right?

Slowly, Keefe and Fitz went over to the hospital bed, and helped Sophie out of it.
"What do you think you're doing!? She can't get up yet!"
"Look. I'm up. Obviously, I can get up," Sophie growled, clearly still cross from earlier. She turned to her friends, "Now let's find out what's causing all of this fuss," She said, quieter, but Annabeth still heard it. Did she mean the fuss that's been going on in Camp Half Blood? There's been strange rumbling there. 'They must be half bloods,'she thought to herself.
Out loud, she turned to the group, and announced, "You're coming with me."

Can You Take It? A Pjo And Kotlc Crossover Where stories live. Discover now