Chapter 27

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"Wait. Like, the north pole elves?! Tell Santa that I've been a good boy and I want a normal life! Pwease," Percy said, putting on puppy dog eyes.
"I-um...we're not those kind of elves. Um...sorry?" Sophie tried. Quickly she transmitted to the elves, 'Channel your energy into the ropes around your wrists. Then...well, you know what to do. I'll count to three, then do it.'



Out loud, she said, "But we can do this."


All of the elves broke from their bonds and got into fighting stance.

" you are elves."

"Yes they are, and we all need to have talk," a new voice said.
Sophie looked up to see...a horse? No, that's not right. It was half-human half-horse.
'Wonder how he feels about being part horse,' Sophie mused.

Sophie didn't know why, but she felt as if she should follow centaur.

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When they were all in a big, blue house, the centaur said, "I'm Chiron and I would advise if yo-"

A piercing pain shot throughout Sophie's body. She heard her friend's call out, was faint. Very faint. She felt as if she was going to faint, but first, she wondered how many times the author could use 'faint' in a sentence.. She felt something open up and release something from inside her. 'Wait...I've felt this before...'

All at once, her consciousness returned back to her. She opened her eyes to see her friends staring, eyes wide and jaws open, at something above her. Sophie slowly looked up to see a blinding, white, horseshoe-looking-thing above her head.

 Sophie slowly looked up to see a blinding, white, horseshoe-looking-thing above her head

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"Sophie!" Annabeth exclaimed, "You've been claimed by...all of the gods!"

Now Sophie knew what had released inside her, "Uh, I have no idea what that means but," she turned to her friends, "I've manifested again."

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