Chapter 23

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Annabeth continued to try and pull the group out the door. Percy decided he would help. Seeing this, the weird group pulled out their weapons, some kind of Ninja Throwing Stars...but deadlier. Annabeth and Percy shared a glance. It was wrong to do this but, it was the only way. Reluctantly, they pulled out gas masks and put them on. Annabeth pulled it out. Percy held his breath as she pushed the red button (The mother of all buttons!) and gas filled the room. The couple waited a few moments for the group to go unconscious. Sophie was the first to go down and Keefe caught her. Next, Fitz went. Then, it was Dex. It went on like that until there was only one left: Keefe. He looked like he was struggling to stay on his feet, but he held firm, as he held Sophie. 'He'll fall soon enough' Percy thought, as he walked over to him. He took Sophie out of his sweaty arms, and hoisted her over his shoulder. Keefe's eyes darkened when Percy took her. Annabeth came over to him and grabbed Keefe's hands, and he slowly grew limp.
"Iris Message Nico," Annabeth ordered, her voice disoriented from the mask. Percy nodded as he threw a coin in the misty air created from the doctor's sink.
Finally, Nico's tired and pale face appeared in front of them.
"What?" He growled.
"Um...come to the NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital. Room 221," Percy responded, "Be ready to shadow travel." And he sliced through the image leaving him with Annabeth...and seven unconscious teenagers.
____line break____
"No time to explain," Percy said, seeing Nico's confused face, "Just get them and us to Camp Half Blood." Nico, although still confused, nodded. Sophie's head bumped gently on Percy's back as they were engulfed in darkness.

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