Chapter 8

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"I got her!" Keefe yelled, and Sophie assumed that he was holding out his arms to catch her. Then Sophie heard another voice saying, " No, I've got her!" She believed it was Fitz.
"Stop arguing and just catch her already!" A new voice, Dex, yelled. After that, Sophie went unconscious as she fell in someone's arms. By the cooling green breeze he sent her, Sophie knew it was Keefe's. Then she went into the darkness.

_____line break____

The monster grew, feeding on the new shadows that strirred inside Sophie. They twisted and clawed and grabbed hold of her fears. But the worst thing was the pain. Knives of pain stabbed her everywhere. The monster pelted her with her past, her memories that now felt like it they happened lifetimes ago.
"See you soon."
"The Moonlark's wings have been clipped."
"Unless you want to end up like her"
"Bye,bye Moonlark"
And the worst:
"Sophie, please, stop!"

Sophie cried out as a pair of green eyes flashed across her aching mind. The pain was overwhelming...far past any she's had before. In all honesty, she wanted to curl into a ball and die.
The monster relished the idea and grabbed ahold of her, bringing Sophie to a place in her mind that she's never been before. It was dark with the only light coming from a hole, big enough to fit Sophie. The warmth radiating from the hole was so so warm and comforting that Sophie moved towards it. She hesitated wondering if she should do this. The monster gave her no choice, and pushed her towards the hole. It was tempting but she couldn't leave behind her family. The monster pushed again but Sophie gripped the edges of the hole, refusing to enter. She thought of Keefe, Edaline, Grady, Fitz, Dex, Biana, and the other Black Swan members. She gathered up all of her love and threw it at the monster, expelling him. Unfortunately, it dragged her down with it and trew her out into reality.
____line break_____
Sophie groaned as she opened her eyes to see multiple faces looking down on her with worry. Some were even crying.
"Woah,I'm not an Empath, but I do know the sorrow in this place. It's not like I died or anything," Sophie tiredly mumbled.
Their looks made it clear that it was closer than she thought.

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