Chapter 10

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After everyone left when the prophecy was over, Percy and Annabeth met up with Chiron. They told him about their dreams about the Moonlark.
  "I have much to think about," Chiron said after they finished.
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One day later, Percy and Annabeth went to the Big House to talk and to get answers from Chiron.
  "'Find the young of crystal and gold' that sounds oddly familiar...maybe the myths of Shangri-la. But what does 'Ignore the words of wisdom of old' mean?" Chiron asked.

"Okay so will figure the rest out later, but what does it mean 'If all fails the worlds will go dark' Worlds as in plural?" Percy impatiently questioned.

"Maybe the prophecy won't happen for a while to come." Chiron suggested.

"But Percy and I had a dream about the Moonlark," Annabeth cut in.

"Well for now just get ready for the school year. You can not change the prophecy, just wait for it to come." Chiron dismissed us, but he had a thinking face on so it was obvious he wasn't done thinking. As they walked out Chiron mumbled, "Probably won't happen for a while." But Percy and Annabeth both knew it would be a lot sooner than that.

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