Chapter 4

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Hello! I was wondering what I should rename my title...or if I should rename it at all. Please comment. Now, without further ado, my story

They must've thought Sophie wasn't still a threat, because they lowered the forcefield, leaving her to bleed and shudder in pain on the ground. Voices faded in and out as Gethen was threatening her friends.
"She couldn't of -no one could of- survived that. The Moonlark's wings have been clipped, and it's been left for death." Sophie heard her friends scream her name but she couldn't respond...she could barely breathe.
"Now, now that's enough," Umber's voice was coated with ice as she spoke, "Unless you want to end up like her." Rage filled Sophie from her head to her toes. She momentarily forgot the pain and started to feel anger. No, not anger, pure hatred towards the Neverseen. Sophie felt her body shake uncontrollably as thoughts of hate and loathing filled her aching mind. She felt herself smile at the thoughts of killing the Neverseen. Wait elves can't think like that. Their sanity would break.Then she had a horrifying thought: Am I going insane?

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