Chapter 17

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  "Please welcome Keefe Sencen, Dex Diznee, Fitz Vacker, Biana Vacker, Tam Song, Linh Song, and Sophie Foster!" The speaker blared. At least there wasn't a spotlight on them like they did at Foxfire. Heads turned in the group's direction and started whispering among themselves. Shoot, Sophie thought, We should've taken elixirs so we can look a little more...human. She tried for a small wave a smile and gestured for the others to do the same. Soon, the students lost interest and walked away, though they still got some weird glances.
  "Okay everyone, just try not to give us detention on our first day," Sophie pleaded,"That means no laughing during classes, and no making the fact that you have powers obvious."
  "Um...what are we going to do since we speak the Enlightened Language?" Keefe questioned. There was small silence as Sophie's eyes grew wider. She started throwing out random ideas when we finally agreed on something. Sophie would do telepathy tricks to inplant the English language into their brains. As they walked to class Sophie reminded them, "Remember, no laughing." A group of student walked past and Sophie forgot to put up her mental blocking. Teenage thoughts peirced her brain like knifes. She put her earbuds and let the music drown out the noise.
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Luckily, the elves were all in the same classes thanks to Mr. Forkle, and they all went off to Math. There were more whispers of the pretty and handsome newcomers as they took a seat. Sophie was thoroughly lost in her music when the teacher asked Sophie the answer to a problem. She politely asked the teacher to repeat the problem. It was completely irrelevant to the lesson they were learning, but the teacher (Mrs. Gorten) would not tolerate slackers. Mrs. Gorten smugly repeated the question and Sophie smugly answered. Smiles were on all of Sophie's friends' faces. Mrs.'s Gorten jaw dropped and so did a few students', including a blonde hair girl with stormy grey eyes.
____line break____

  The seven did just fine through the rest of math and literature, but when it was time for chemistry, science and physics they had all gotten detention...all of them...for a week. Keefe fell of his chair with hysterical laughs. Sophie had a fit of uncontrollable giggles. Fitz, Tam, and Dex all had humor-filled grins. Linh and Biana tried but failed at hiding their girly giggles.

  When they had lunch, the elves all got fruits and vegetables, and sat down on the only empty table. They started talking in the Enlightened Language when some kids asked if they could sit with them.
  "Sure,"Sophie said, then realized she wasn't talking in English and quickly repeated it.
"Thanks!" A boy with see green eyes exclaimed at the same the blonde, grey eyed girl asked, "What language is that?"
  "Oh, um just something we made up when we were kids," Fitz said, saving me from having to coming up with a weak excuse. The girl didn't looked convinced, but she dropped it.
  "Are you vegetarians?" A girl with choppy brown hair asked.
  "Yeah," the elves responded in unison. They introduced themselves and the other group did the same. Suddenly, Annabeth looked up in to Sophie's eyes. Her face paled as she said, "Moonlark."

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