Chapter 16

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Annabeth and Percy said their goodbyes and left in Sally Jackson's car to Percy's house. Annabeth was ranting on and on about school. Percy only listened to be polite.
  "I wonder how big their library is?" Annabeth asked a smile forming on her lips as she bounced up and down in her seat. Eventually, Annabeth fell asleep on Percy's shoulder and the rest of the ride was in silence.
____line break____

Five days later, the demigods (including Piper, Leo, Jason, Hazel, and Frank) were riding on the bus to Goode High School. They were walking up to the giant blue school door when a group of teenagers came rushing fast by them. Percy didn't get a good look at them, so he couldn't tell if they were monsters, but they were unbelievably fast. He nudged Annabeth. She looked in the direction of his glance and nodded, signaling the group to watch the group. Later, Percy and the gang were walking down a long hallway when the speaker blared, "We have some new students. Please welcome Keefe Sencen, Dex Diznee, Fitz Vacker, Biana Vacker, Tam Song, Linh Song, and Sophie Foster.

Sorry for the rushed chapter. Happy Easter!

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