Chapter 14

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This is 1 year and 1 half later. Sophie is fully physically well, but still suffers from accasional mind pains and nightmares.

"There's been strange things happening in Manhattan, New York. I want you kids to investigate and stop the commotion," Mr. Forkle was explaining.
"But Sophie's not better!" Fitz exclaimed.
"I'm perfectly fine!" Sophie argued, "I'm not a vase that could crack any second!"
"You were one leaf from being dead!" Said Fitz.
"You don't have to remind me," she mumbled.
"I agree that Sophie is still recovering, but this mission is mandatory. Plus, you kids need to let her recover on her own time, even if it's faster than you'd like." Forkle cut in. Sophie gave a smug look to Fitz. "Fine," he said.
____line break____

One day later, the group was all packed and ready to go to the Forbidden Cities.
"You sure that you want to do this," Fitz asked for the 23rd time. (Sophie counted.)
"Yes," she replied like she did every time. The group held up their blue crystals and stepped into the light.
"One more thing, you kids will be going to human school." Mr. Forkle said.
"What!" We all shouted in unison.

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