Chapter 22

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"Um...Hate to be logical on this one, and I speak for all of us when I say, 'Why in our greatest minds would we do that?'" Keefe shrieked.
"Uh, because you're obviously demigods," Annabeth rolled her eyes.
"A demon goat! How dare you insult me! The Hair is way to amazing for the owner to be a demon goat!" Keefe sniffed.
In a patient, strained voice as if talking to a child, Percy said, "Demigods. You've probably've seen monsters."
"Demi-whats?" That was Fitz.
Annabeth looked as if she was going to explode, "Have you seen any monsters?"
"Definitely know a few," Keefe muttered under his breath, referring to the Neverseen. Annabeth gave him a look that said, 'Good,' and continued to try and pull the group out the door.
Then Percy decided to step in, and the elves drew their weapons. Except Sophie, since the doctors took those away when she was unconscious. The elves had to explain that they were just family heirlooms.
At the motion, Annabeth pulled out a device. It was was green  and round with a small red button. She and Percy put on some weird masks and pushed the button.

A sickly sweet scent engulfed th room. Keefe felt his mind go clouded and his vision fade. Sophie fell beside him and he caught her in his arms.
The masked figure that resembled Percy, ripped Sophie out of his grasp, and hoisted her across one shoulder.
"NO!" Keefe tried to shout but his throat was thick with the gas. Percy slowly walked away with a unconscious Sophie over one shoulder. Annabeth came over to him and gripped his hands, pulling him out the door. The overwhelming feelings mixed with the gas was too much for Keefe, and slowly, he drifted into darkness.

Can You Take It? A Pjo And Kotlc Crossover Where stories live. Discover now