Chapter 9

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  Percy was worried about Annabeth. She kept waking up panting with a horrified look on her face. He would try to comfort her and ask her what's wrong but she would only softly respond,"Just a dream."
Percy knew it was more. Demigods get terrible dreams all the time, but Annabeth seamed more shaken than she's ever been. He didn't know what to do...that is until he had the dream.
  In the morning, Percy and Annabeth both woke at the same time gasping.
  "Sophie!" They both shouted in unison. 'Who is that?'Percy questioned himself. And by Annabeth's face, she didn't exactly know either.
  "Did you see the same thing I saw?" Annabeth asked.
  "I didn't exactly 'see' anything I just heard something that sounded like a girl getting tortured." I replied, "the only thing that I saw was a figure in a cloak with a creepy eye on it. There wasn't a voice, just the sounds of the girl getting tortured, but the person kept mouthing something that looked like, 'See you soon."
  Annabeth swallowed, "Let's go see Chiron." Just then Leo burst in. "Chiron wants to see you...Rachel's having another prophecy."

____line break____

  They got there just in time. Rachel had green smoke surrounding her as she started to speak.
  "Find the young of crystal and gold,
Ignore the words of wisdom of old,
Meet the ones with the Moonlark,
If all fails the worlds will go dark,
Follow the pretty bird across the sky,
Listen to the Swan Song and help her fly."
(Sorry, the prophecy was off the top of my head and isn't very good)
  Rachel collapsed and Piper caught her. Percy and Annabeth shared a worried look. Moonlark. A troubling memory came back to Percy:"The Moonlark's wings have been clipped."


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