Chapter 30

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'What the Hades just happened?!' Percy practically screamed. His brain was running overload. Everyone else looked just as confused and shocked, so he felt a bit better. A bit. A million questions were running through Percy's head. 'What in the world is Mesmer, Shade, and Atmokinesis?"

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This didn't happen very often but... Annabeth was confused. What were the shadows? Why did we all stop? How was there lightning inside? She turned to the elves.

"What the underworld is going on?!" Annabeth exclaimed. They shook their heads.

In the corner of her eye, Annabeth saw Sophie looking at the words that were slowly dissolving. She was mumbling to herself.
"Well...we already know what a Mesmer and a Shade is, but what's a Atmokinesis?" Annabeth could see that she was working something out in her brain, "Let's see...Mesmer: That's why everyone stopped. Shade: The shadows. What else was there? The weird storm...Was that Atmokinesis?"

Everything was silent, until Sophie, out loud, said, "Um, guys?"

"What is it, Sophie?" Biana asked.

"I figured out what Atmokinesis is..."

"Well?" Tam persisted.

"I can-I can...control the, um,"

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