In Your Arms - Andrew x Reader

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It was a lovely night, appreciating the peacefulness amidst the garden with you fiddling a rose in hand. You were going to confess to Ganji tonight, hence the reason why you're quite a nervous wreck.

Waiting above the tree, hanging your head low in anticipation. You wanted to say how much you love him, and how much you want him to be yours, recollecting the memories of how many times he had saved you from matches merely made your heart skip a mile.


Hearing the door open just the slightest, your anxiety increases, familiarizing the figure quite well as your lips form a wide grin. "G-ganji..." You call his name in a mumble, afraid someone might hear and have their slumber ruined. The batter walked towards you, with every step he takes you felt like you're going to die if he comes any closer.

"Hey, (Y/N). What is it that you want to talk about?" Ahh... his voice was somewhat calming to your ears, rough or not it's still as smooth as silk. "W-well um..." You started playing with the rose once again, with your cheeks the same pigment as the flower you were holding.

"I... I like you, Ganji."

"I like you too, you're an amazing friend to be with, (Y/N)."

"N-no I... I like you more than friends."

You look at him in the eyes, with as much strength as you can get. Ganji was deadpan, unable to reply to your words. His eyes then avoided eye contact with you, as his lips started forming a little frown.

"...I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can't be with you. I'm not ready to be in a relationship with anyone."

His statement broke you, inside and out. Although you understand him as he wanted to pursue his dreams more than meeting love, that's what he had told to everyone when he first came into this manor. You were dense, not thinking what would the outcome be as you were only concentrating on your emotions. The sparkles in your eyes subside, while tears threaten to slowly fall on your rosy cheeks.


He looks at you in pity. If only he didn't participate in the game... If only he didn't help you throughout your matches... If only he didn't exist, none of this would have happened. None. You look at him back, with an almost forced smile that was put on your face, you close your eyes and smile,

"I'm sorry for bothering you. You can go back to your room now, Ganji."


"I'm sorry, (Y/N)."


You sat there out in the dark, pulling your legs closer to your chest as you wrap your arms around it. You heavily sigh, with tears continuously flow like a river. Gawking at the moon, admiring the stars twinkle brightly. "Maybe I shouldn't have confessed..." You weakly murmur before hearing footsteps coming closer to you and sit beside you.

"H-hey, (Y/N)..." Andrew mumbles your name with a feeble smile, his smile soon drops as he saw your current state. Seeing the dried tears and your frown made him in concern, "P-please don't be mad but... I-i overheard you and Ganji while walking out of the kitchen. Are you alright?... Did he hurt you?" The last sentence made you shiver, his voice sounding so deep as if he's mad about what occurred earlier.

You shake your hands in denial, laughing nervously at his remarks. "N-no he didn't, he didn't hurt me!" Andrew doesn't seem to believe your response, he knew everything about you and how you act. But knowing you, you would attempt several times just for him to trust you, so he didn't refute back. He shakes his head before letting out a sigh, "Well, by the looks of it, you needed something to feel better." He states, before putting a chocolate bar in your delicate hands.

Your eyes lit up, "...chocolate?" You turn your head to face Andrew, he smiles softly at how your face started lighting up after the scenario earlier, and he wanted that look to stay forever. "You like chocolate, yes? I happen to find one in the kitchen. Hopefully, this would come in handy."

With a single bite, everything around you brightens up. You hummed in delight, as your eyes got their light back. "I feel brand new." You grin at Andrew, hugging him out of the blue. He was surprised at your immediate action, calming himself down before nervously hugging back.

"I'm glad..."

"Glad about what?"

"That you're here, Andrew."

Andrew seems flattered at your words, his cheeks having the same color as yours. He smiles once more,

"I'm glad that you're here as well, (Y/N)."

A moment of stillness began, cherishing the moment with the gentle male. Soon two of you separate, eyes were locked onto each other. You close your eyes as you felt his warm hands cupping your cheeks, he hesitated, but soon over he softly put his lips to yours, like he was scared he'll hurt you.

Lips parting their ways as the two of you giggle, you were happy but was abruptly stopped from the sudden realization hitting you.

"You need to sleep, Andrew..."

You mumble, causing him to slightly groan. "Let's stay here..." He answers, hugging you tight so you won't leave him. Shortly you agree with his words, sitting on the bench together while watching the moon dazzling on the sky.

"(Y/N)... Will you be mine?"

"Don't worry, I'm already yours."

He slightly chuckled, blushing at your reply. "Can I call you names now, Andrew?" You stare at him, begging for him to approve. He sighs, not knowing how to refuse by your cuteness. "Fine..." He pouts,

"But don't call me weird names!"

You snickered.

"I love you, sweetheart."

"...I love you too, darling."


While writing this, I wanted to make Andrew a bit of a yandere and hurt Ganji for hurting (Y/N). But he is too soft to hurt anyone, so I cancelled that out :C

Words: 1013

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