Thoughts - Naib x Reader

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This is just a quick story to make me get back into writing stuff ;-;

I promised i'm doing the requests– i just had no idea where and how to make it not dull, honestly think the Tracy x Reader story i wrote is boring but i'll fix it once i have the time to.. TvT

To those who were patient with my updates, i wanna hug you rn, thank you for being so patient qvq

(Naib's burger looks delish, if he didn't share that imma slap him and yank that burger out of his hands and eat it)


"No one loves someone like you. Someone who is just good at lying and hurting others' feelings."

Naib had been so broken right after someone told that to him without guilts and regrets. They were straightforward to simply put, which led the merc to feel gloomy today.

The little girl who was wandering around the halls, passing by Naib's room she had heard sobs and whimpers inside which cause her to be out of curiosity. She then quietly peek on what was going on,

"Useless.. i'm nothing but a useless person."

She heard, with a pitiful expression she inhale deeply and went inside without invite. She doesn't want anyone to feel down today! Especially Naib, the one she had always get inspiration to be brave and confident, nonetheless her first time feeling love for all these years of being a loner and an introvert.

"E-eh? Why are you?!-"

The brunette male stopped his sentence as the girl placed her finger against his lips, she gave him a smile that hints concern and asks, "What happened that made you into.. this?" The boy could only stare at her filled with sorrow eyes, he was unable to speak as he got hypnotized by the girl's looks. Consciously he began to open his mouth, shakily tell what he needed to tell to (Y/N).

"T... they..." He began.

"They were... saying i was a nothing but a liar." He tries to explain, but due to his almost cracking voice he wouldn't able to explain very well. The girl tilted her head slight with her thumb placed under her chin, "Who are.. "they" you're talking about Naib?" She asked, supporting the shaking mercenary by wrapping her arms around him and rest her head on his shoulder. It completely made him feel a little relaxed as his shoulder didn't tensed up as before.

"T-those people inside my mind.. they keep telling me about being a burden to everyone and.. and even told me to kill myself..." He tighten his grip on the girl's hand, which made her whine at how tight he hold her hand but eventually she just let the pain go by as Naib's problems was the first one to care about.

And so, she lean even more closer to his face and cup it, kissing his forehead afterwards. "Don't listen to them, they aren't your mom or dad to just be a wimp and listen to their demands! Stay strong and don't let them sink you to despair!" Her words made the mercenary's heart warmer than the sun, he soon stopped crying and smiled again.

"T-thank you (Y/N).." he hugged (Y/N) who was taken aback, she closed her eyes and also wrap her arms around him. "What should i do to repay you?" He kissed both of her hands and ask, the girl stood there flustered by his sudden actions as she replied nonchalantly, "It's fine, it's fine. Seeing you happy again is all that i wanted!" She grinned.

Naib smiled back and embraced her once again, he hasn't felt this way to someone in such a long time. He had wished (Y/N) would be his one day.

Never thought the mercenary that it came true.


"Aww look at those lovebirds~ they make Emma super jelly! Emily! Can we get married too?!" Emma excitedly jump and grab the doctor's hand, pleading the best she could to make Emily accept. The brunette girl let out a small giggle and nod at the girl's plead, "Of course sweetheart, i had always loved you."

All the survivors heard the news about Naib and you being the first ever couple in the manor, everyone practically celebrated of course, even the hunters attend the party as (Y/N) was every hunters' favorite survivor and was also kinda like their little/big sis. They danced, sing along, and even get drunker and drunker as the time goes by, it was fun indeed.

"Now all that's left is to have a baby-"

"Naib shush!" You place your finger on his lips, but he smirked and grab your hand away from his lips, "Guys! Go party without us cuz we're gonna have s-!"



Words: 844

My goodness i do not know how to end so i just randomly wrote what was on my mind– but still, did they really did that? 🤔 Even i don't know, let your mind do the work then~ uwu

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