Fool - Mike x Reader

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UhHh– i have read too many songfic and i thought about making one. Though it's my first time so it'll be bad.

Basically, you and Mike are together and you aren't really happy about it. You liked Norton but you felt bad if you reject Mike's first ever confession, so when Mike's not around you start flirting with Norton.

Song: Cavetown - Fool

I am just a fool
To keep on chasing after nothing great.

Mike was searching for his beloved (Y/N), wandering around the Oletus High he spotted (Y/N) with Norton. (Y/N) was hugging Norton, they look so happy together.

You are just a fool
To keep pretending that you're loving me.

After what he had witnessed, he turn around and walk away. Trying to think positive thoughts while heading to no where.

"I don't know, where i'm supposed to go..."

Mike said to himself, he looks like he was about to break into pieces. He often caught her girl with Norton and he wants to break up cause he keeps on getting hurt but he can't because he loved her dearly.

Call me on the phone at three
I talk to you while half asleep.

"...(Y/N)? Why'd you call me at 3 am?" Mike mumble while rubbing his sleepy eyes,

Complaining 'bout your mother so i take you to the cemetery.

Rant to me, i like the sound
I like your voice
I like your mouth.

Mike shake his head vigorously as of thought about that, his face was powdered with red color while he was listening to (Y/N)'s complaint.

"Ah.. thank you for listening, you should head off to sleep now. Sorry for disturbing you." She said, finishing the phone call. Mike sighs to himself and close his eyes again, drifting to sleep.

Cycling to school
At 7:30 in the morning.

Mike finally arrived at the school, he park his bicycle before entering the school to be met by (Y/N). The two wander around the hallways while talking about what subject is their favorite.

I am still your baby boy
I'm stuck in 2013.

"Am i still your baby?" He ask the (H/C)-ette who tilted her head in surprise,

"Of course!"

Don't understand my body
Washing machine confuses me.


Mike look down as if he want to say something but he just stays silent, still following (Y/N).

I am such a fool
To keep on chasing after nothing great...

While the two was flowering the plants, Norton interrupted, making Mike slowly losing his temper as (Y/N) smile and went ahead to hang out with Norton.

You are such a fool
To keep pretending that you're loving me...

Just as she left Mike with Norton, Mike immediately held her hand tight, making the girl yelp in surprise.


I don't know...
Where i'm supposed to go...

Mike closes his eyes, inhaling and exhaling before saying the words he had kept for himself for so long.

"I was such a fool to keep on chasing after nothing great."

Mike said to the confuse (Y/N) and Norton slowly walk away, not wanting to get involved.

"You were such a fool to keep pretending that you're loving me!"

Mike's heart had slowly shatter into pieces, he doesn't want to leave her but she gave him no choice.

"Look in the mirror, love that boy.. don't hurt my dear, don't hurt my joy."

Mike close his eyes once again, tears has fallen from his eyes as he say,

"Let's break up, you look very happy when you're with Campbell."

"W-what?! N-no please!–"

"That's it! I had enough of getting hurt everyday! I don't want to see you ever again!" And with that, Mike left the garden. Leaving the regretful girl who fall to her knees, Mike felt bad breaking his first love, but he had enough.

He don't want to get hurt again.


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