Edgar Valden

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Author's Note:
A very old requested story!
Thank you to @DjSilv for the plot of the story!


An announcement was heard throughout the room, regarding new elegant costumes for three certain people. Ann, Servias, and Edgar, and for others, they all get some good costumes, or just plain recolored ones. As you would expect, everyone started to complain about the painter, getting 2 S-tier costumes very early despite him being quite new to the game. Even Edgar himself claimed that it was rather foolish not to give the old survivors a chance, specifically (Y/N).

They were quite close albeit Edgar being ill-mannered to the survivor, they were still calm towards him. It was strange, but soon he gradually starts to like hanging around with (Y/N), it was as if they were the only ones he could rely on and be friends with.

Shortly after, Edgar was seen standing in front of Miss Nightingale's room, knocking continuously until she opens the door. "Hm? What is it that you want mister Valden?" Nightingale questions, allowing the male to enter her room as they proceeded on the discussion.

"Don't you think it's unfair for me to get 2 S-tier awfully quick? What about the ones that stayed in this manor for who knows how many years— and they still haven't had a costume that they likely would have deserve if you were being thoughtful about it." He glares at the lady, who was quite surprised by his statement, "My my, it seems that you're furious. What would I do to help if so you would be at ease?"

"Then I suggest you reconsider this and pick a different person to have the S-tier costume for this anniversary." Edgar simply answered without the need to hesitate, but then the woman shook her head in disapproval. "I won't allow that, I've already made your costume and it would be such a waste if I throw it, no?"

He stares at Miss Nightingale, getting slightly irritated talking to this bird. He continued thinking of what ways Miss Nightingale would be of help for him, just until a spark of idea went through his head.

"Then... I want you to make another S-tier costume for (Y/N)."

"Pardon?" She spoke, "If I do, it won't be of any related to the anniversary now would it?"

Edgar finally shows off his bitterness as he grumbles at her reply, ending the conversation by exiting and slamming the door shut. "Oh my..." The nightingale mumbled, walking to her chair as her eyes were locked at the wooden door.

"Judging by his attitude, I can see that he isn't that kind of person to give up what he yearned for. Hm... I wonder what he'll do to fulfill his desire."


"Tsk. If she can't help then I'll do it myself, she's the owner of this game but she's not helpful at all. Pathetic."

Edgar grumpily strolls to his room, not in the mood to participate in his scheduled matches. Even if he would get punished by breaking the rules, he doesn't care— all he cares was about (Y/N). The painter looks up to see that he finally made it to his destination, opening the door as he sits on the edge of the bed before letting out a long sigh.

"What can I do...?" He mutters in disappointment, he grabbed his beret on his head, staring at it for a while before clenching it in utter failure.

Not long before giving up, he saw the costume that he got when he first joined the manor. It was gleaming so bright that it almost looks like it was trying to signal him, he cock his head slightly before getting a glimpse at the brush and the canvas.

"Perhaps this will come in handy."

He rummages through the box to get the items that he wants for the painting as he went to the canvas and set the things down.

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