Distress - Various!Hunters x Reader

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(Y/N) has been always so cheerful to the hunters, like a bundle of sunshine she is. She's like a big sister to them, and they're like a family to her. Though the past few matches she got bullied and been called weak, which is why she'd been pretty low unlike usual. She wanted to hide the fact that she's been bullied a lot lately, which she failed at mostly.

Michiko caught a glimpse at the female hunter, the sight was shocking for her. (Y/N) was quietly crying in the corner mumbling something that was quite inaudible to hear for the geisha.

She slowly approach her and crouch down to hear it better, "I hate my life..." Was all she heard before the female shot her head up and look at Michiko. She jolted from the sight and instantly wipe her tears away, "(Y/N)-san, why were you crying?... Is something the matter?" Michiko questioned her, placing her hand to (Y/N)'s shoulder. She couldn't find any excuse to tell so she sighed in defeat and explained everything.

"It's just that... I've been bullied by the survivors because i'm 'weak' and 'easy to kite'. I-it's okay though cuz they were right..." She sniffled, the geisha clearly wasn't going to let the situation go. She stood up and helped the girl, forcing her to follow along the geisha.

"W-where are we going...?" Michiko heard from (Y/N). She ignored her multiple questions until they reached the other hunters, whom was chit chatting in the living room. All of the hunters took notice to Michiko whom abruptly clear her throat to gain everyones' attention to her and (Y/N), who was nervously hiding behind her.

"Everyone! Our (Y/N) got bullied by the survivors and we need to raid their place to kick their asses for revenge! We wouldn't want to see her like this right?!" The side of Michiko was very unexpected, for a very kind and motherly hunter... Raising her voice and tell to beat the crap out of the survivors who bullied the girl. Very surprising indeed to the hunters. Although they understood her since their big sis is getting bullied secretly without ever telling them about it.

"Ow! I'm sorry!" Kreacher shield himself from the incoming attack from both Leo and Yidhra's followers, Yidhra enjoying the scene and eating popcorns. Poor Kevin, he didn't even bully (Y/N) but still got beaten up by the guards. Guess they just hate him so much.

"Isn't this a little too much?... I mean, you could just teach them not to bully-" Burke's sentence got cut short by Mary zipping his mouth shut. "Even if we teach them not to bully, they're still gonna do it. So, a little beating up isn't that bad right?" The mad eyes roll his eyes and watch the place getting raided by the raging hunters. (Y/N) apologizing to every survivor who got beaten up afterwards.

"...Why are you still nice to us even though we emote and bullied you?" Norton pulled the female hunter's sleeve for her to concentrate on the boy, "Well... I've never have any friends when i was little. So when i got an invitation, it was my chance to make friends. And it's also because i couldn't get mad by you cuties, i love you all!" Everyone stopped on what they were doing, they were in awe by the girl. The prospector unexpectedly hugged her, "I'm sorry for bullying you..." He mumbled to her, earning a hug from her also.

"I-i can't... Hold my tears any longer!" Mary dramatically whine, Geisha shoving tissues to the queen as she sighed. After the long hug the two did, some survivors approached her with a guilt expression painted on their face. She guessed what it was as they kneel down and apologize continuously until she forgave them.

The view was very heart warming for the hunters, seeing her lighten up again was all they need before they all get back to their place. Though, they still want to enjoy the sight so a few minutes isn't bad.

After a while, everyone bid their goodbyes to the survivors. "Finally they won't bully her anymore. If they did i'm going to kill them. No mercy." Fan cracked his knuckles. "I'm joining you." Luchino replied to him. "No need. They learned their lesson." Ann said to the boys before focusing on her cats.

Today's been pretty messy, though thanks to them she wouldn't have to deal with getting bullied now.

She was very much glad she met them.

And they were glad they met her as well.


The ending omg- it's so baaaaad- but i have to deal with it cuz it's 10 pm here and i have no creativeness left whatsoever. Star1ight_ i hope this made you smile! Now imma sleep-

Words: 820 (Where to buy creativeness?-)

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